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6. Preschool education and computer. Advantages and disadvantages of the computer using from an early age.

Computer technology is rapidly transforming society. Parents, teachers and other adults who work with children can teach children to make a good choices about the time they spend with computers. Children have opportunities to use computer technology more actively to create, to design, to invent and to collaborate with children. They are used in reading, writing, mathematics, science and social studies instruction.

There are those advantages of the computer using from an early age:

  • Computer develop introduces educational, spatial and logical skills

  • Stimulates language, improves long-term memory

  • Boosts problem-solving skills

  • Prepares children for future computer use

There are those disadvantages:

  • Simply selecting and watching a screen is a pallid substitute for real mental activity

  • Preschooler’s muscles and bones are still developing, but computers are rarely set up properly for children.

  • Physical problems can also result from sitting too close to the computer screen.

7. Preschool establishment. Types of preschool establishment. General objectives of preschool establishments.

The important objective of the overall educational system is to provide preschool educational for every child. Preschool education lays the foundation of a childs character and cultivates his habits and emotions. A childs future progress at school and in adult life may greatly depend on his preschool education which is the initial link in the chain of public education.

Kindergarten is a time for learning more appropriate ways of interacting with others. Many kindergarten children are also developing a sense of humour, and show delight in nonsense rhymes and playing with language.

Kindergarten children are natural learners, full of wonder about the world and ripe for rapid intellectual development.

Kindergarten children’s vocabulary and ability to express ideas are developing rapidly. Most Kindergarten children’s are full of energy and enjoy physical activities. They are developing a sense of rhythm and enjoy activities accompanied by music, such as clapping, marching, and jumping.

The Kindergarten year is an important time to develop both independence and the ability to work cooperatively with others. They are developing a sense of social responsibility.

According to the emphasis of the group and the age of the child, there are eight different types of preschool education establishments: kindergartens, kindergartens for very young children (from two months to three years), kindergartens for children of older preschool age (from five to seven years old), combined kindergartens, compensatory kindergartens, supervision and health improvement kindergartens, general kindergartens with priority activities in one aspect of child development, and child development centre-kindergartens.

8. The role of kindergarten in child development. What abilities and skills do children develop in kindergarten?

Kindergarten emphasize learning around the ages of 3-6 years. Kindergarten introduces young children to a school environment. It teaches them to sit and listen, to obey teachers, and to cooperate with other children. Young children's brains are developing rapidly, and each experience leaves its mark on their mental pathways. However, studies have shown that children who attend kindergarten derive many benefits from the experience. Kindergarten has been shown to be important to children success in and adjustment to elementary school as well as their success in later years. The kindergarten environment including physical, social and organizational attributes. In kindergarten children develop those skills and abilities:

  • Spatial and logical skills

  • Boosts problem-solving skills

  • Cooperate with others children, Follows a simple direction

  • Motor skills, language skills, reading skills, writing skills

  • Mathematics skills, creative arts and music