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9. What does a preschool teacher do? The role of preschool teacher in child development. What are educational requirements for preschool teachers today?

A preschool teacher needs to be proficient in helping children learn how to cooperate; providing fun learning activities suitable for preschoolers; keeping children safe; working as a team member along with other teachers; and interacting with parents.

Preschool teachers need to be eager participants in children's growth and development, as well as helping students understand how to use their natural curiosity to help make the appropriate developmental leaps in their skills and abilities. These workers play an important role in a child's development by caring for the child when parents are at work or away for other reasons. They help children explore their interests, develop their talents and independence, build self-esteem and learn how to behave with others.

Preschool teachers must be able to work well and interact with young children. They explain reading, writing, science, and other subjects in a way that young children can understand. A preschool teacher might use storytelling and rhyming and acting games to improve social skills or introduce scientific and mathematical concepts. Most preschool setting employ a less structures approach, including small-group lessons, one-on-one instructions and learning through creative activities, such as music, art and dance. They are expected to create an atmosphere where risks can be taken and discoveries made while children remain safe.

10. Name the instructional approaches that preschool teachers use in the work with children. Is kindergarten curriculum the “real learning” for children? Why?

Preschool teachers must be able to work well and interact with young children. They explain reading, writing, science, and other subjects in a way that young children can understand. A preschool teacher might use storytelling and rhyming and acting games to improve social skills or introduce scientific and mathematical concepts. Most preschool setting employ a less structures approach, including small-group lessons, one-on-one instructions and learning through creative activities, such as music, art and dance. They are expected to create an atmosphere where risks can be taken and discoveries made while children remain safe.

The Kindergarten program is designed to help children build on their prior knowledge and experiences, form concepts, acquire foundational skills, and form positive attitudes to learning as they begin to develop their goals for lifelong learning.

11.Why kindergarten is necessary for children? Does cognitive and intellectual growth increase in kindergarten children? How?

A child future progress at school and in adult life depend on his preschool education. Kindergarten is a time in which children explore their own feelings, identities, and social relationships with others.

Kindergarten children are natural learners, full of wonder about the world and ripe for rapid intellectual development. Their cognitive growth comes primarily from hands-on experiences, exploration, investigation, and play rather than from listening to the teacher.

Kindergarten children's vocabulary and ability to express ideas are developing rapidly.

Also children vary in physical development and abilities, most kindergarten children are full of energy and enjoy physical activities.

The Kindergarten year is an important to develop both independence and the ability to work cooperatively with others. At this age children enjoy being trusted with responsibility. Although they may still see things from their own perspective, they are learning how to share, take turns, help one another. Kindergarten is necessary for children, it is a great school of life.

12. Kindergarten learning. It is a good experience for children? Why? What skills do children develop through the play with blocks?  Preschool teachers must be able to work well and interact with young children. They explain reading, writing, science, and other subjects in a way that young children can understand. A preschool teacher might use storytelling and rhyming and acting games to improve social skills or introduce scientific and mathematical concepts. Most preschool setting employ a less structures approach, including small-group lessons, one-on-one instructions and learning through creative activities, such as music, art and dance. They are expected to create an atmosphere where risks can be taken and discoveries made while children remain safe. The Kindergarten program is designed to help children build on their prior knowledge and experiences, form concepts, acquire foundational skills, and form positive attitudes to learning as they begin to develop their goals for lifelong learning.  Block center. When children place one block on top of another, they learn basic science concepts such as balance, size and weight relations. When children make a barn for play animals, they learn to use their imagination and gain self-confidence to try their own ideas. Even clean-up time promotes learning. Important beginning math skills are learned as blocks are sorted and classified.