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англ. гершкович 2008.pdf
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GRAMMAR: The Passive Voice.

Глагол-сказуемое в пассивном (страдательном) залоге передает действие, направленное на подлежащее, и отвечает на вопрос:

«Что происходит (происходило, будет происходить) с подлежащим?» Страдательный залог образуется при помощи вспомогательного

глагола «TO BE», после которого смысловой глагол ставится в третьей

форме: V0 + ed; V3. При этом формы глагола «TO BE» определяются временем действия и лицом местоимения или существительного, а

форма смыслового глагола (V3) всегда остается без изменений (!) Практические формулы для построения сказуемого в пассивном

залоге можно представить в следующем виде:

Для группы времен Indefinite (Simple):

Present Simple Passive = (am, is, are) + V3 Past Simple Passive = (was, were) + V3

Future Simple Passive = will be + V3

Для группы времен Continuous:

Present Continuous Passive = (am, is, are) + being + V3

Past Continuous Passive = (was, were) + being + V3 Future Continuous Passive = НЕ СУЩЕСТВУЕТ!

Для группы времен Perfect:

Present Perfect Passive = (have, has) + been + V3 Past Perfect Passive = had + been + V3

Future Perfect Passive = will have + been + V3

Приведем примеры построения утвердительных предложений в пассивном залоге в разных временных группах:

Для группы времен Indefinite (Simple):

This scientist is always asked many questions after his report.

That program was written in the USA by the “Microsoft Company”. The film will be shown after the lecture.

Для группы времен Continuous:

Now they are being asked about the accident. The bridge was being built for ten years.

Для группы времен Perfect:

The new technology has already been demonstrated to the students. The table had been served when we entered the hall.

Their work will have been finished by the end of the year.

Следует обратить внимание на специфику перевода предложений в пассивном залоге, когда после глагола стоит предлог:

to laugh at - смеяться над …; to rely on - полагаться на …; to pay attention to - обращать внимание на …;

to take care of - заботиться о …; to refer to - ссылаться на …

Если такие глаголы употребляются в пассивном залоге, то перевод следует начинать с предлога:

This article is often referred to. - На эту статью часто ссылаются. His opinion was relied on. - На его мнение полагались.

Their children are much taken care of. - Об их детях хорошо заботятся.

Task 1. Finish the sentences below and translate them.

1.Films are shown at the …

2.Computers are used for …

3.Those photos were taken at the …

4.Money is changed in the …

5.The palace was designed by …

6.The text will be translated …

7.The experiment is being made at the …


Rossi; tomorrow; cinema; complex calculations; bank; laboratory; studio

Task 2. Make up the questions and find the right answer.

Pattern: Who was Saint-Petersburg founded by?

It was founded by Peter the Great.

Who was (were) _________ ________ by?

Moscow University; America; the Winter Palace; the experiments; the books; electricity to write; to invent; to discover; to design; to make; to found

Columbus; Lomonosov; a well-known writer; Rastrelli; Volta; the students

Task 3. Put the verbs into the Present Continuous or Past Continuous Tense.

1.Yesterday the new program (to test) for six hours.

2.The experiment (to make) now at a new experimental laboratory.

3.These texts (to translate) with great difficulty, so the students needed their teacher’s help.

4.Their ideas (to discuss) now at the Ecological scientific conference.

Task 4. Put the verbs into the Present Perfect Tense.

1.Their task already (to complete).

2.The taxi recently (to call).

3.The problem solution just (to discuss).

Task 5. Translate the following sentences into English.

1.Диктант прочитали учащимся (the pupils) два раза.

2.Эта книга была написана и издана (to publish) в прошлом году.

3.Эту статью (article) уже долго (for a long time) обсуждают в научных кругах (scientific circles).

4.Ему только что сообщили (to report) о происшествии (accident).

5.Ее не видели в кинозале (cinema hall) в тот вечер.

Task 6. Translate word combinations.

sort of energy; to generate energy; water power; to power machinery, trams and trains; to depend on, power of wind; the use of gas; to light streets; power station; source of energy; ancestors; by means of; oil lamps.

Task 7. Read and translate the text.

Electricity is a wonderful sort of energy. It is used to light streets and houses, to power machinery, trams and trains and to heat rooms. The telegraph and telephone both depend on electricity.

The place where electricity is generated is called the power station. The generators can be driven by means of heat energy after burning coal, oil or gas as well as by the power of falling water. The latter is widely used in native power stations due to many powerful rivers all over Russia. In some countries such as Holland, Germany or Belgium the power of wind is also widely used as an important source of cheap natural energy.

Our ancestors lit their houses by means of candles and oil lamps. Later the use of gas was introduced. Today the streets of our towns are brightly illuminated with mercury, argon or neon lamps.

Electricity is being used everywhere nowadays.

Task 8. Write out the international words from the text.

Task 9. Write out the terms connected with energy and electricity.

Task 10. Write out the sentences in Passive Voice.