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It is the clinical psychologist who/that diagnoses psychological problems.

Key: verbs: to diagnose, to treat, to train, to teach, to conduct, to assess, to prevent, to rehabilitate, to consult; to find cures.

Task 17. Pick out a) all the adjectives used with the word behaviour.

b) all the verbs and phrases used with the word behaviour.

Ask each other questions using these words, e.g. How can a clinical psychologist assess dysfunctional behaviour?

Key: a) dysfunctional; abnormal; unordinary

b) to assess, to prevent; to rehabilitate, to understand; to find cures; to exhibit; to draw conclusions about; to measure.

Task 18. Say if these things are essential/important/necessary for a clinical psychologist. Give your reasons.

High qualification; international awards; PhD or PsyD; case studies; experimentation; close relationship with clients; testing; confidentiality; empathy; clinical scales; ethical standards; rapport with clients; self-assurance.

Task 19. Find the information on various contemporary approaches to psychology (see the independent work manual) and match the approach, its main idea and a sample research question.


Main idea – What influences our behaviour?

Sample research question

1. Psychoanalytic Psychology

a) Events in the environment (rewards and punishments) influence our behaviour.

A. Do genes affect your personality?

2. Behavioural Psychology

b)How we process, store, and retrieve information influences our behaviour

B. How do people of different genders and ethnicities interact with one another?

3.Humanistic Psychology

c) Unconscious motivations influence our bahviour

C. Can good study habits be learned?

4. Cognitive Psychology

d) Ethnicity, gender, culture, and socioeconomic status influence our behaviour

D. Do I believe I can prepare for and pass the test?

5. Biological Psychology

e) Individual or self-directed choices influence our behaviour

E. How have negative childhood experiences affected the way I handle stressful situations?

6. Sociocultural Psychology

f) Biological factors influence our behaviour

F. How does caffeine affect memory?

Key: 1cE; 2aC; 3eD; 4bF; 5fA; 6dB.

Task 20. There are a few other types of psychology except clinical psychology. Try to guess (or see the independent work manual)the responsibilities of each of the specialists below. Choose the correct term below to complete the sentence.

a. clinical psychologist e. educational psycholgist

b. counseling psychologist f. community psychologist

c. developmental psychologist g. industrial/organizational psychologist

1. __________ is a psychologist who studies the emotional, cognitive, biological, personal, and social changes that occur as an individual matures.

2. __________ is a psychologist who uses psychological concepts to make the workplace a more satisfying environment for employees and managers.

3. __________ is a psychologist who diagnoses and treats people with emotional disturbances.

4. __________ is a psychologist who is concerned with helping students learn.

5. __________ is a psychologist who any work in a mental health or social welfare agency.

6. __________ is a psychologist who usually helps people deal with problems of living.

Key: 1c; 2g; 3a; 4e; 5f; 6b.

Task 21. Fill in the prepositions where necessary.

1. The psychologist applied standard clinical scales … assessment of the patient’s disorder. 2. Physicians have to be familiar … the legal standards relevant … their activities. 3. The clinical psychologist has to use the appropriate guidelines … counseling children and adolescents … research … psychology. 4. What extracurricular activities are our students involved …? 5. Which field of psychology deals … cognitive disorders? 6. What does this approach consist …? 7. A medical encounter is a formal relationship … a physician and a patient who is seeking help … their health problems. 8. In 30 years scientists will find cures … many diseases. 9. The physician had to do some bloodwork to determine how to go … treating this unusual condition. 10. Children’s psychologists cater … children whose behaviour deviates … social norms. 11. Geropsychologists work … the diagnosis and treatment of old people’s mental disorders. 12. The psychologists of these clinic always conduct their activities … a highly professional manner. 13. They used experimentation and testing to improve … the validity and reliability the clinical scales they applied. 14. Case studies are essential … training a highly qualified clinical psychologist.

Key: 1. to; 2. with, to; 3. in, in, for; 4. in; 5. with; 6. of; 7. between, for; 8. for; 9. about; 10. to, from; 11. in; 12. in; 13. -; 14. for.

Task 22. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

1. Какие группы населения пользуются услугами клинических психологов? 2.Какие принципы клинические психологи применяют для оценки, предотвращения и реабилитации психологического расстройства? 3. Он получил диплом психолога 3 года назад. 4. Когда вы разработали новую систему классификации анормального поведения? 5. Каким образом психолог может определить является ли поведение, которое демонстрирует индивид анормальным? 6. Врач использовал результаты анализов, чтобы сделать общие выводы о состоянии пациента. 7. Используя клиническую шкалу, мы можем измерять анормальное и отклоняющееся поведение. 8. К какому специалисту может обратиться индивид, которому нужна помощь в решении психологических проблем? 9. Изучая биоэтику на третьем курсе студенты знакомятся с этическими нормами, определяющими (имеющими отношение) к их профессиональной деятельности. 10. Сколько психологов участвовало в разработке этой клинической школы? 11. Нам необходимо применять широкий подход к оценке этого сложного явления. 12. Какая область психологии непосредственно имеет дело с дисфункциональным поведением подростков?

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