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3. О фактах, повлиявших на развитие науки о прочности материалов в 19 веке

Выберите предложение, соответствующее содержанию текста:


A. The final result of this experiment should be the most

accurate one.

B. Space research is the most popular branch of our investigations.

C. Steel coverings were chosen because of their high resistance to wear.

D. The modern compound materials can withstand high speeds and pressures.

Выберите вариант завершения предложения, соответствующий cодержанию текста:

5. To build a bridge one should have some information on ...

A. ...the natural resources

B. ...the new grade of steel

C. ...the properties of construction materials

D. ...the most efficient methods of getting alloys

Соотнесите данные утверждения с соответствующими абзацами текста А В С D.

6. An aircraft turbine is considered to be a miracle of strength.

7. The investigations of the materials strength problems took place in the 19th century.

8. This alloy is produced for the rocket engineering needs.

9. Errors and tragedies happened because of professional incompetence of the builders.

10.There is a link of the 'Materials strength' science and such construction processes as: tunnel digging and bridge erecting.

Выберите английский эквивалент слову, данному в скобках

11. (Соотношение) of the stroke to engine diameter has been changed in Diesel.

A. rotation

B. ratio

C. reaction

D. reduction

12. The irons and steels we use now are really (сплавы) of iron, carbon and some other substances.

A. alloys

B. mixtures

C. compounds

D. mortars

13. Tyres made of (резины) are required for large-scale car manufacture in great quantities.

A. reed

B. rubber

C. resin

D. rock

14. The first railway bridges were made of (древесины).

A. alloy

B. steel

C. wood

D. iron

15. Considerable weight (экономия) has been achieved due to the developing new technique.

A. substance

B. search

C. section

D. saving

Выберите форму сказуемого:

16. All the experiments neccesary for our research (будут выполнены) by the end of the next year.

A. are made

B. will have been made

C. were made

D. have been made

17. The Curies (открыли) a new radioactive element in 1898.

A. discovered

B. have discovered

C. were discovered

D. have been discovered

18. Before the first austronaut was launched a lot of work (была выполнена) with different kinds of sputniks.

A. have carried out

B. has carried out

C. has been carried out

D. had been carried out

19. The new device (испытывали) when we came into the laboratory.

A. was tested

B. has been tested

C. will be tested

D. was being tested

20. It is interesting to know that the first steam engine (применяли) in Greece more than 2.000 years ago.

A. has used

B. was used

C. is used

D. will be used

Замените модальный глагол эквивалентом:

21. Atomic energy must be used for peaceful purposes.

A. have to

B. is allowed to

C. is able to

D. has to

Выберите степень сравнения:

22. Silver is one of ... conductors of electricity.

A. good

B. much better

C. the best

D. better

Выберите вариант, отражающий структуру правильно- построенного вопросительного предложения:

1 2 3 4 3 5 6

23. nowadays have the of the construction materials

7 8 9

properties improved been?

A. 3 7 4 3 5 6 2 9 8 1

B. 2 9 3 7 4 3 5 6 8 1

C. 9 3 7 4 3 5 6 2 8 1

D. 2 3 7 4 3 5 6 9 8 1

Variant 5

Read the text and do the tasks following it.