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3. О фактах, повлиявших на развитие науки о прочности материалов в 19 веке

Выберите предложение, соответствующее содержанию текста:


A. The deep research into the field of engineering materials resulted in the discovery of new alloys.

B. Experts make a careful study of the frost resistance of some materials.

C. The alloys are not often used in the aircraft engineering.

D. Great progress has been made in the outer space exploration.

Выберите вариант завершения предложения, соответствующий cодержанию текста:

5. The alloys have got some advantages over the other construction materials because they...

A. increase the weight of devices

B. change the properties of the materials

C. are resistent to corrosion

D. have a number of advanced properties

Соотнесите данные утверждения с соответствующими абзацами текста А В С D

6. The great scientist was the first to undertake the study of materials strength.

7. The research into the materials strength resulted in the development of a new science.

8. Construction failures could happen not only because of the lack of professional knowledge.

9. There are some advantages in using synthetic rubber tyres .

10. Due to modern technology we have a much higher standard of living.

Выберите английский эквивалент слову, данному в скобках

11. (соотношение) of the stroke to engine diameter has been changed in Diesel.

A. rotation

B. ratio

C. reaction

D. reduction

12. The irons and steels we use now are really (сплавы) of iron, carbon and some other substances.

A. alloys

B. mixtures

C. compounds

D. mortars

13. Tyres made of (резины) are required for large-scale car manufacture in great quantities.

A. reed

B. rubber

C. resin

D. rock

14. The first railway bridges were made of (древесины).

A. alloy

B. steel

C. wood

D. iron

15. Considerable weight (экономия) has been achieved due to the developing new technique.

A. substance

B. search

C. section

D. saving

Выберите форму сказуемого:

16. According to the meter readings a considerable amount of fuel (хранилось) in the tank.

A. was stored

B. is stored

C. will be stored

D. store

17. The Periodic Law (был открыт) by the end of the 19th


A. has been discovered

B. had been discovered

C. was discovered

D. is discovered

18. The experiment (будет выполнен) by the end of the next week.

A. will make

B. makes

C. will have been made

D. is made

19. Two gases (были смешаны) before the temperature was raised, so a spontaneous reaction took place.

A. are being mixed

B. had been mixed

C. have been mixed

D. are mixed

20. A very important problem (обсуждается) at the moment.

A. was being discussed

B. is discussing

C. was discussed

D. is being discussed

Замените модальный глагол эквивалентом:

21. Atomic energy must be used for peaceful purposes.

A. have to

B. is allowed to

C. is able to

D. has to

Выберите степень сравнения:

22. Liquids conduct heat ... than metals.

A. better

B. good

C. best

D. worst

Выберите вариант, отражающий структуру правильно построенного вопросительного предложения:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

23. important materials what have created new chemists

8 9

and metallurgists ?

A. 3 6 1 2 4 5 7 8 9

B. 3 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9

C. 3 6 1 2 7 8 9 4 5

D. 3 6 1 2 4 7 8 9 5

Variant 4

Read the text and do the tasks following it.