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1. Why does any engineer have to study Strength of Materials?

A. ... to increase the engine efficiency

B. ... to analyse the stresses and deformations in these structures and machines in order to prevent their failure

C. ... to estimate the cost of materials

D. ... to develop new materials

Завершите предложение в соответствии с основной темой абзаца:

2. The D passage is about

A. the achievements of chemists and metallurgists

B. the construction principles for new designs

C. a variety of possible loading conditions

D. the selection of the most suitable materials

Определите, в каком абзаце сообщается:

3. о результатах ошибок специалистов, возникших из-за недостатка знаний о прочности материалов

Выберите предложение, соответствующее содержанию текста:


A. Several factors should be taken into account by the experts producing gas and steam turbines.

B. The scientific investigations resulted in the development of some alloys.

C. We should avoid the materials subjected to corrosion.

D. It is important for the aircraft industry to produce new polymers and alloys.

Выберите вариант завершения предложения, соответствующий cодержанию текста:

5. To build a bridge one should have some information on ...

A. ...the natural resources

B. ...the new grade of steel

C. ...the properties of construction materials

D. ...the most efficient methods of getting alloys

Соотнесите данные утверждения с соответствующими абзацами текста А В С D

6. A new class of alloys was recently produced by the metallurgists.

7. A careful study of the materials strength problems resulted in the the further technological development of the society.

8. Wood was the most often used building material for aircraft.

9. Incompetence is the main reason for construction failures in civil engineering.

10. The significance of materials strength study is widely accepted nowadays.

Выберите английский эквивалент слову, данному в скобках

11. Steel of higher (напряжения) is usually needed for aircraft.

A. straight

B. stress

C. strength

D. stretch

12. This material cannot (выдерживает) high temperatures.

A. generate

B. rotate

C. withstand

D. exceed

13. We hope you'll (преодолеете) the problems you are confronted with.

A. overcome

B. destruct

C. displace

D. substitute

14. It is neccesery to develop some new (материалы-заменители).

A. raw materials

B. substitute materials

C. writing materials

D. natural materials

15. There is a construction material that can resist tremendous stresses without any (разрушения).

A. destination

B. derivation

C. description

D. destruction

Выберите форму сказуемого:

16. All these substances (различаются) by their properties.

A. will be distinguished

B. were distinguished

C. distinguish

D. are distinguised

17. Don't enter the laboratory,a dangerous experiment (проводится).

A. is carried on

B. is being carried

C. has been carried on

D. carry on

18. This substance (было получено) by means of heating.

A. was obtained

B. is obtained

C. will be obtained

D. were obtained

19. The word "strain" (применялось) for defining the internal force in a body.

A. have been used

B. had been used

C. is used

D. was used

20. A lot of machine-tools improving the working conditions ... already (произведены) at this factory.

A. are produced

B. have produced

C. produced

D. have been produced

Замените модальный глагол эквивалентом:

21. The alloy must be thoroughly tested in order to be used for the creation of a new design.

A. is able to

B. is allowed to

C. can

D. has to

Выберите степень сравнения:

22. The study of engineering materials caused the creation of the alloys with the ... resistance to various loading conditions.

A. much greater

B. less greater

C. much more greater

D. greatest

Выберите вариант, отражающий структуру правильно-построенного вопросительного предложения:

1 2 3 4 3 5 6

23. nowadays have the of the construction materials

7 8 9

properties improved been ?

A. 2 9 3 7 4 3 5 6 8 1

B. 9 3 7 4 3 5 6 2 8 1

C. 2 3 7 4 3 5 6 9 8 1

D. 3 7 4 3 5 6 2 9 8 1

Variant 2

Read the text and do the tasks following it.


A. Nowadays the science Materials Strength is considered to be a basic engineering discipline. The initial study of this subject was undertaken* by the great Galileo.

The research into the problems of materials strength was markedly intensified in the 19th century. This research was of great importance for the industrial development of the society. Thousands of miles of railways were laid, bridges were erected at that time. People built tunnels and ocean-going ships, they used elaborate* apparatus and digged into the earth in searching for minerals.

B. A lot of structures built centuries ago have not only survived but remained in use.Some of them had been however destroyed because of the errors made by the builders. Sometimes tragedies happened, the buildings were destroyed, machines broke down or bridges collapsed. The reason for those failures was the lack of knowledge on the part of experts: the problems of materials strength were still hidden deep in the mysteries of atomic and molecular structures of materials. That is why it was necessary for any engineer to study the processes determining stresses and deformations in structures and machines under loading conditions.

C. The study on physics of materials strength was first undertaken in the 20th century. Mankind was already entering the age of high speeds, pressures and temperatures ,the age of advanced technology and new unknown materials.

In the 1920s the top speed of an airplane was not more than 200 kilometres per hour, the load per square metre of the wing area was about 50 kilograms. The main construction material was wood. Nowadays the speed of aircraft, even passenger planes, is approaching 3,000 km per hour, with the loads as high as 600 kilograms per square metre of wing. The turbine that drives such anaircraft is not only a miracle of a design, it is also a miracle of materials strength. The given examples are sufficient to illustrate the advantages of new costruction materials.

D. Creation of new materials is of tremendous importance for the further technological development of the society.

Chemists engaged in polymer research have developed synthetic rubbers*. Tyres* made of synthetic rubbers can cover distances several times exceeding the distance from the Earth to the Moon. Having tested a new class of aluminium alloys the metallurgists produced a new durable alloy. It turned to be of great use for aircraft and rocket engineering needs. The technological problem of substantial weight reduction of apparatus was solved due to the considerable material savings.

A further development of the science Materials Strengh will ultimately result in delicate bridges, light airy buildings, small but powerful machines and airplanes capable of carrying huge loads.

* to undertake the study of - начинать изучение

* elaborate - сложный; тщательно-разработанный

* alloy - сплав

* rubber - резина, каучук

* tyre - шина

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