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The State Tretyakov Gallery

The National Museum ___ Russian Fine Art, the State Tretyakov Gallery, is one ___ the largest museums ___ the world. Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov, a rich Moscow merchant and textile mill owner, started collecting Russian paintings ___ the 1850s. ___ year ___ year Tretyakov's collection grew. ___ August, 1892 Tretyakov presented the collection and the Gallery ___ the city of Moscow. ___ his death Tretyakov supported the gallery and bought a number ___ masterpieces ___ Russian art. ____ the end ___ the 20th century the State Tretyakov Gallery became one ____ the world richest treasuries of Russian fine art.

The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts

One ___ the richest world collections ___ fine arts ___ the time immemorial ____ nowadays is treasured ____ the Pushkin State Museum ____ Fine Arts that is favorably situated ___ the very center ___ Moscow, close ___ the Kremlin and Red Square. Nowadays it is the second, ____ the Hermitage ____ Saint Petersburg, largest museum ___ foreign art ____ Russia. Nowadays there are _____ 560,000 works ____ art exhibited ____ the halls ___ the Pushkin State Museum ___ Fine Arts.

The State Historical Museum

The largest historic museum ____ Russia, the State Historical Museum, was established ___ 1872 ____ the initiative ____ the Russian scientific community. The construction works lasted ____ 1875 ____ 1881 and were headed ___ architects Shervud and Semenov, who designed the building _____ Russian style. Today the collection ____ the Museum that has considerably enlarged ____ the course ____ the 20th century treasures archeological finds, manuscripts and black-letter books, old Russian icons, Russian and foreign arming, works ____ smith craft, jewelry, glass and ceramics, national clothes, collection ___ old furniture _____ the private estates and many more. Private belongings ____ Russian monarchs Ivan the Terrible, Peter the Great and the last members ____ the Romanov family are especially popular ___ the visitors.

4. Переведите на английский язык, используя активную лексику.

Столица России Москва была основана 8 веков назад князем Юрием Долгоруким. Москва - один из самых красивых городов в мире. Центр Москвы - Красная площадь. На Красной площади находится шедевр древней русской архитектуры - Собор Василия Блаженного. Существует легенда, что Иван Грозный ослепил архитекторов Барму и Постника, потому что он не хотел, чтобы они создали другой такой шедевр.

Историческим центром Москвы является Кремль. В Кремле находится одна из самых старых площадей Москвы, Соборная площадь (Cathedral Square). На Соборной площади расположены три собора: Успенский собор (the Cathedral of the Assumption), Благовещенский собор (the Cathedral of the Annunciation) и Архангельский собор (the Cathedral of the Archangel). Неподалеку стоит Колокольня Ивана Великого (the Ivan the Great Bell-Tower). У подножия Колокольни находится самый большой в мире колокол – Царь-колокол (the Tsar-Bell). Он весит более 200 тонн. Недалеко от него можно увидеть Царь-пушку (the Tsar-Cannon).