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Ex 2 Replace the infinitive in brackets by the correct tense form – the Present Perfect or the Past Indefinite (Active)

Example: - I (see) this film twice. I (see) it in Moscow in 1992 and in my native

town in 1995.

- I have seen this film twice. I saw it in … .

  1. They (to go) to France last summer.

  2. They (to live) in London for twenty years.

  3. I (to learn) many new German words lately.

  4. Last week I (to learn) many new English words.

  5. When you (to visit) your parents last time?

  6. You ever (to visit) Spain?

  7. I (not to see) you at church last Sunday.

  8. I (not to see) you at church since last month.

  9. He (to write) the letter to his friend only yesterday.

  10. You (to visit) your sick friend today?

  11. When you (to go) to see him?

  12. I (to read) the book twice. I first (to read) it in 1998 and I (to read) it again this year.

Ex 3 Make up sentences following the model

Model: - Have you ever been in New York City.

- I have never been in New York City.

- Last month I was in New York City.

  • tell a lie

  • steal anything

  • eat this dish

  • hear strange noise at night

  • buy a brand new car

  • sleep all day long

  • not do all the homework

  • work all through the night

  • send a telegram

  • shake hands with a famous person

  • fly a plane

  • see a ghost

  • win money in the lottery

  • make a bad mistake

Ex 4 Draw conclusions.

Example: - They began to discuss this problem at 10 a.m. It is 11.30 now and they

are still discussing it. They have been discussing it for one hour and a half.

  1. The rain started at 10 a.m. It is 4 p.m. now. It (rain) since … .

  2. She arrived in London in 1998. So she (live) in London for … .

  3. When I came home at 6, my sister was speaking over the telephone. It is 7 o’clock now and the phone is still busy. She (speak) for … . What a chatterbox!

  4. The performance began at 7.30. My friend hasn’t come yet. It is 8 o’clock now. She already (be) one our late.

  5. The traffic is too heavy. We left the office at 3 and planned to arrive at our country house at 4. But it is 4.30 now and we still (drive) there. We are nervous and angry.

  6. She sat near the window in the morning. It is afternoon now. So she (sit) and (do) nothing since … .

Ex 5 Make up the dialogues following the model using the words given below,

  • How often do these buses run?

  • Every 20 minutes, I think.

  • We’ve been waiting here much longer.

  • Maybe we’ve been standing in the wrong place.

  1. - how long /take/ drive

- one hour

- longer

- wrong highway

  1. - how long / plan / talk over the telephone

- five minutes

- longer

- keep track of the time

c) - what / speed limit / highway

- 50 mph

- faster

- watch the speedometer

d) - how often / trams / run

- 15 minutes

- longer

- wrong corner

Ex 6 Translate the sentences into Russian paying attention to the usage of the Present Perfect Present Perfect Continuous – Past Perfect Continuous.

  1. When I looked out of the window, it had been raining.

  2. He has been running this firm for more than five years.

  3. We haven’t heard from him lately.

  4. They have been building this bridge for a very long time.

  5. I have known her since childhood.

  6. We had been discussing our plans for two hours already when she came.

  7. She has been teaching English since she graduated from the University.

  8. Where have you been? I’m all cold. I have been waiting for you for 40 minutes.

  9. When Alice came back from the beach, she looked very red from the sun. She had been lying in the sun for several hours.

  10. I’ve been looking forward to meeting him since I heard about his new project. It’s fantastic!

  11. What have you opened all the windows for? The weather is nasty today.

  12. How long have you been using your car?

  13. She has made a terrible mistake, she is suffering from it now.

  14. When I arrived, John was angry with me because I was late again and he had been waiting for a very long time.


  1. Read the dialogue.

  2. Read one of the parts and supply the other part from your memory.

  3. Act the whole dialogue from memory.

  4. Continue the dialogue

  5. Make up a story based on the dialogue.

Ann: Where have you been? I’ve been waiting for you very long.

Ted: How long have you been waiting?

Ann: I’ve been waiting for about an hour. I’ve been waiting since 12 o’clock.

What have you been doing.

Ted: I’ve been sleeping.

Ann: And I’ve been standing here! I have been standing in the rain.

I’ve been getting cold.

Ted: I’m sorry. I’ve been feeling so tired. I’ve been meaning to phone you.

Ann: …..

