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Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 4 (27), 2019 ISSN 2587-8093

(complex calcium greases), kVa-smazki (complex barium greases), kAl-smazki (complex aluminum greases)” [4, p. 83]. It is important to note that we did not find any symbol-words during the analysis of the aforementioned dictionary.

3. Terms-phrases: the study shows that they make up the largest part of the oil and gas terminology. In terms-phrases focused more accurate, clearly defined scope of the concept in comparison with the terms-words. In them, each of the components is involved in the formation of technical semantics and in the expression of a more complex meaning: "the Term not only names the concept (serves as its name), but also reflects to some extent the content of the concept. Probably, this last quality of the term leads to the need to create predominantly composite terms, ie. terms-phrases that can better reflect the features of the concept" [6, p. 78].

We have found that" the syntactic method, i.e. the use of phrases to refer to scientific and technical concepts" [8, p.170], is considered one of the most productive ways of formation of oil and gas terms.

V. p. Danilenko distinguishes two main types: 1. Decomposable terms-phrases, which are divided in turn into:

а) free phrases in which any component can enter into a two-way communication — trubnaja plet' (baïonnette), jepoksidnaja smola (resine epoxydique), burovaja ustanovka (appareil de forage), obsadnaja truba (tube de retenue), vedushhaja truba (tige d'entraînement), suhaja skvazhina (forage sec). "In free terms-phrases, semantic and grammatical centers, as a rule, coincide and are represented by a word expressing the central notion of a term-phrase, which is specified and defined with the help of other term-elements” [4, p. 84].

b) not free phrases (stable combinations of two or more terms), in which any component can be a common word — piramida prizma zemljanaja (tasseau de sol), components of the phrase only in this combination form a term that defines the concept — vskrytie plasta (ouverture de la couche). "The grammatical structure of non-free terms-phrases is similar to the grammatical structure of free terms-phrases. The meaning of a non-free term-phrase is equal to the sum of the meanings of its components, and in this sense non-free terms-phrases are semantically related to free terms-phrases" [4, p. 85].

In the literature there are several models, which forms a stable combination: the termsword combinations with an adjective in the function prepositional definitions; terms-phrases, in which definitions are used adjectivenoun active and passive participles; attributive phrases with a noun in the function postpositive definition [2, p. 136-140; 9, p. 58].

2. Indecomposable-terms-phraseological units, terms-phrases, "having an integral nominative function, having a strictly fixed ratio of the semantic structure and a certain lexical and grammatical composition" [10, p. 63]: signalizator prohozhdenija skrebka (transmeteur de passage de racleur) (device for cleaning the internal flow of oil or gas), komarinyj nos (tuyau d'alimentation de la pompe en fluide), lastochkin hvost (queue d'hirondelle).

Considering the structure of the Russian oil and gas industry terms, we have found the presence of single-element and multi-element terms, among which we can distinguish twocomponent — nasosnyj shlang (tuyau de pompe), three-component — plavuchij napornyj truboprovod (conduite de pression flottante), four-component — davlenie gidravlicheskogo razryva plasta (pression de rupture hydraulique de couche) и т. д.

When analyzing the vocabulary of terms of the oil and gas industry with a volume of 18077 terms, we found that single-word terms in percentage make up 36.74% (6643 terms), two-word terms-phrases — 50.25% (9084 terms), three-word terms-phrases — 10.12% (1831 terms), four-word and more terms — 2.87% (519 tokens). Thus, it is obvious that two-word terminological combinations have a higher frequency.

Table 2

Quantity of multi-element terms of the oil and gas industry


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 4 (27), 2019 ISSN 2587-8093




Single-word terms



Two-word terms



Three-word terms



Four-word and more terms













Single-word terms

Two-word terms

Three-word terms

Four-word terms

The analysis of the terms of the oil and gas industry revealed the presence of groups of two-component term phrases. Examples for these groups were selected from our special dictionary:

1)Term-phrases containing two components belonging to the words of a special dictionary. They have more independence, because they can be used outside this phrase, isolated from each other: diametr cilindra (diamètre de cylindre), promyslovyj geolog (géologue de camp);

2)Terms-phrases containing a technical term together with another component belonging to the words of the general literary vocabulary. This method is more productive than the first one: otvetnyj flanec (contre-bride), perehodnoj trojnik (té de transition);

3)Terms-phrases containing two components belonging to the words of the general literary vocabulary, and only in the case of a combination of these components is born the term: hod porshnja (parcours du piston), proektnaja glubina (profondeur de conception).

When analyzing groups of oil and gas terms, we calculated their percentage. Calculations show that the number of terms in the first group is 11.63% (1056 terms), in the second group — 58.89% (5350 terms) and in the third group — 29.48% (2678 terms).

Table 3

Quantity of oil and gas industry terms by group




Terms of the first group


11,63 %

Terms of the second group


58,89 %

Terms of the third group


29,48 %


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 4 (27), 2019 ISSN 2587-8093









Terms of the first group


Terms of the second group


Terms of the third group

The analysis of the Russian-French dictionary of oil and gas industry terms showed that the two-component phrase consisting of the main element and the defining element is the most common type of oil and gas terms. In the terminology of the oil and gas industry, threecomponent, four-component, five-component, etc. terms are also used.

Binary combinations formed on the model of "Adj. + Noun." are the most common phrases in the oil and gas industry: ventiljacionnaja truba (conduite d'air), konechnyj terminal

(terminal arrivée). The increase in the length of the terms-phrases in the terminology is explained by "the desire for the accuracy of the expression of the concept, to eliminate ambiguity, since with the increase in the number of components in the term, the degree of its ambiguity decreases" [11, C. 58-59]. It should be noted that the analysis revealed oil and gas terms-phrases that were formed by the model «Num. + Noun.»: neft' pervichnaja (pétrole primaire), vtorichnaja migracija (migration secondaire).

Terms-phrases in the field of oil and gas industry are formed "by joining the original word-the term of words-refiners (term elements), which serve to clarify, specify the original concept, expressed in a one-word term. Formed by the addition of term elements, the termsphrases are the names of a single complex concept, but the new concepts are associated with the "basic" concept, expressed by the term-word, as a rule, by species-like relationships, forming its species correlate, for example, jekspluatacionnaja skvazhina, razvedochnaja skvazhina, fontannaja skvazhina — generic term skvazhina; gazliftnaja dobycha, fontannaja dobycha — generic term dobycha... etc» [12, p. 373].

According to A. S. Smagulova, "the terminological phrase consists of the core and dependent components, where the core component carries the main meaning, and the dependent component complements the main meaning. Depending on the core component, terminological phrases are divided into substantive (nominal), where the core component is the noun; adjectival (core word — adjective name, participle, numerals); verbal and adverbial" [13, p. 14].

It seems logical to divide the terms-phrases into: two -, three-and multicomponent, because all the terms-phrases in the oil and gas industry consist of the main components (dominant) and dependent components (qualifiers), despite the fact that the qualifiers in these terms-phrases have different relations to the dominant. Our experience in the field of studying the terminology of the oil and gas industry allows us to divide the terms-phrases from the point of view of the qualifier into:

а) terms-phrases with an adjectival qualifier — osevaja opora (palier axial), minimal'naja neftenasyshhennost' (saturation minimale en huile), izoklinal'nyj vystup (crête isoclinale);

b)terms-phrases with a noun qualifier — pokazatel' tvjordosti (indice de dureté), dlina migracii (parcours de migration), struja zhidkosti (jet liquide);

c)terms-phrases with prepositional-substantive qualifier — vrezka pod nagruzkoj (piquage en charge), pomeshhenie na sudne (poste), fil'tracija pod vakuumom (filtration sous vide), privedenie vo vrashhenie (mise en rotation). It is interesting to note that the most


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 4 (27), 2019 ISSN 2587-8093

commonly used prepositional-substantive qualifier is the preposition pod. During the analysis, 17 terms-phrases with this qualifier were found: burenie pod davleniem (forage sous pression), voda pod davleniem (eau pressurisée), vrezka pod nagruzkoj (piquage en charge), vremja raboty pod nagruzkoj (temps de marche en charge), vjazkost' pod davleniem (viscosité sous pression), deformacija pod nagruzkoj (déformation chargée), zakachka pod davleniem (injection sous pression), istechenie pod davleniem (écoulement sous pression), peregonka pod davleniem (distillation sous pression), podacha pod davleniem (alimentation sous pression), podacha pod nagruzkoj (avancement par pesanteur), poroda pod dolotom (roche attaquée par le trépan), pusk pod nagruzkoj (démarrage en charge), razuprochnenie pod nagruzkoj (ramollissement sous charge), fil'tracija pod vakuumom (filtration sous vide), fil'tracija pod davleniem (filtration sous pression), cementirovanie pod davleniem (cimentation sous pression).

Three-component and four-component terminological combinations make up a small number of phrases. Among the three-component terminological combinations prevail constructions of the type " Noun. + Adj. + Noun.» ustranenie tehnologicheskih razryvov (élimination des bouchons). Three-component phrases are formed by the model: (Noun. + Noun. + Noun.): ustrojstvo polosy otvoda (ouverture de l'emprise), (Adj. + Noun. + Noun.): mjagkoe ustrojstvo posteli (aménagement du lit de pose). Also common terminological construction in oil and gas terminology is the model (Noun. + Noun. + Adj.): punkt truboprovoda konechnyj (terminal arrivée). The four-component combinations are dominated by the type of construction (Noun. + Noun. + Adj.+ Noun.): kamera prijoma ochistnogo ustrojstva (gare racleur), (Noun. + Prep. + Noun. + Adj. + Noun.): platjozh v pokrytie dolgovyh objazatel'stv (réglement) etc.


Based on the classification of terms proposed by V. P. Danilenko, we came to the conclusion that the Russian terminology of the oil and gas industry contains more units of termsphrases (11434 terms or about 63.25% of the analyzed terms).

According to the formal structure of the terms in the oil and gas industry, the terms were divided into one-, two-, three-, and four-word. Based on the analysis of materials, it can be argued that the most common type is a two-component term (50.25%).

Abbreviations are often found in this terminology, which is another proof of the trend of language savings in this area, as well as the autonomy of the oil and gas terminology system. The presence of symbolic words in the oil and gas sublanguage is associated with globalization and the internationalization of science, as they express the concept of international importance.

In the course of this study, it was found that the terms-phrases in the oil and gas industry consist of dominants and dependent qualifiers, which makes it possible to classify them depending on their qualifiers.

This article has been prepared exclusively using free and open source software.


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Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 4 (27), 2019 ISSN 2587-8093

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Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 4 (27), 2019 ISSN 2587-8093

UDC 811.11-112


S.N. Orlova, T.M. Gaydukova


Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia

Cand.of science, ass.prof. Svetlana Nikolaevna Orlova e-mail: orlova_sn@pfur.ru

Higher School of Economics Department of foreign languages Cand.of science

Tamara Mikhailovna Gaydukova e-mail: tgaydukova@hse.ru


Research problems. Currently, against the background of the development of innovative technologies, communication and the need for in-depth language training of specialists in various fields, there is a need for an accurate understanding of the linguistic load of the original oral or written text. Corporate communication should be carried out in strict accordance with existing regulations. It is the study of speech behavior in the English-speaking corporate space should be the basis of training.

The article is devoted to the actual problem of studying the stereotypes of speech behavior in the English-speaking corporate space. It attempts to systematize and explain these features through the type of culture and the category of politeness, which is considered as the most important regulator of communicative behavior. A comprehensive linguistic analysis of corporate communication produced by native English speakers requires taking into account its linguistic and cultural features as one of the key components of the professional competence of specialists of economic specialties and attracting specific linguistic material that demonstrates the stereotypes of speech behavior in the modern corporate space.

Results. The methods considered in the study are a comprehensive approach that combines cognitive, emotional and physical aspects of learning the language of corporate communication. They, in particular, are aimed at creating a positive atmosphere in the process of learning a foreign language, contribute to increasing students ' confidence in the production of foreign speech and the inclusion of extralinguistic and paralinguistic elements in speech. The results of the study are able to fill the gap in theoretical studies of linguistic and cultural features of corporate culture of native speakers of the English language from the point of view of functional perspective.

Conclusion. The study allowed to demonstrate traditional and new trends in the study of stereotypes of speech behavior in the English-speaking corporate space, to consider the features of corporate communication as one of the key components of the professional competence of future specialists of economic specialties, as well as to attract specific linguistic material that demonstrates atypical verbal schemes, stereotypes of speech behavior and etiquette norms of modern corporate space, which ensure successful business communication within linguistic and cultural communities.

Key words: speech behavior, English professional discourse, corporate space, terminology.

Acknowledgment. The research was conducted on financial support of RFFR of scientific project № 19- 012-00515 А

For citation: Orlova S.N., Gaydukova T.M. The problem of stereotypes of speech behavior in the Englishspeaking corporate space in the learning process / S.N. Orlova, T.M. Gaydukova // Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-didactic Researches”. – 2019. - № 4 (27). – P. 89-94.


Each participant of corporate communication is a professional in a certain area and represents a unique personality complex, having been formed as a specialist over a long period.


© Orlova S.N., Gaydukova T.M., 2019


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 4 (27), 2019 ISSN 2587-8093

These factors should be taken into account when developing a complex of speech behavior. Under "verbal behavior", we mean "a form of human interaction with the environment, expressed in speech and due to the situation, task, communicative situations, communicative needs, national and cultural specifics of participants’ communicative behaviour" [1].

The study of various stereotypes of speech behavior in the corporate communication is becoming increasingly important in connection with the progress in many areas of human activity, as well as the growing influence of modern technologies on society. One of the most important issues of modern linguistics is the study of the specifics of the system relations of language implementation in its various areas. The research aims at in-depth study of corporate communication language. Corporate communication is a complex multilateral process of interrelation, interaction and development of relations between people in the service sphere to ensure the integration of all parts of the company depending also on the network of personal relationships. This formal and informal information flow is the basis for effective corporate communication. The language of corporate communication, as well as English in general, is the main language of international communication, which causes certain difficulties associated with research in this area.

The aim of the study is the linguistic analysis of corporate communication produced by native English speakers, taking into account the linguistic and cultural aspects of its implementation in the speech of the business community representatives. The object and subject of this article are structural and semantic linguistic phenomena of corporate linguoculture and their interaction with other issues, as well as categorization and assignment in the speech of speakers. As the material of the study, authentic examples were selected, demonstrating atypical verbal patterns, stereotypes of speech behavior and etiquette norms of the modern corporate space, which ensure successful business communication within the framework of the linguistic and cultural community under study.

The relevance of the problem of speech behavior stereotypes in the English-speaking corporate space for modern methods of teaching languages is due to the emergence of new approaches to their study in the conditions of rapid language changes that have been observed in the world over the past decades. Today, in an era of irreversible globalization, our country is intensively increasing its participation in all areas of the world community, including in the economy and corporate activities. In this regard, the importance of English as an international language of corporate communication is of particular importance. For Russian linguistics and methods of teaching foreign languages, this, in turn, necessitates a detailed multi-level study of the corporate communication language, which may be of particular interest, since at the moment the Russian language of corporate and business communication is undergoing a stage of if not formation, then a very bright evolution, which undoubtedly occurs under the influence of the English language. Moreover, not only the lexical side is affected, but also more isolated language levels, such as morphology, phonetics and even syntax.

Interest in the study of stereotypes of speech behavior is also manifested in studies examining various aspects of the corporate space.

The formation of a corporate specialist and the peculiarities of his work corporate activity is influenced by many factors, for example, personal characteristics (ambitions, conflict-free, self-criticism, communication, etc.) By "corporate communication" we mean " communication that occurs within the company (between divisions, headquarters and a subsidiaries) and between the company and its environment, as well as customers. Corporate communication can be conventionally defined as a two-level structure: "basic communication" and "functional communication". The concept of "basic communication" is parallel to the concept of "core competence" and covers communication activities that are vital for the development of the company. This innovative activity is carried out in close cooperation between the client and employees and is designed to establish and maintain relationships in which individual solutions are developed. By "functional communication" we follow the author of "the role of language


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 4 (27), 2019 ISSN 2587-8093

skills in corporate communication" and mean "a set of standard communication procedures-for example, traditional business letters and technical documentation, it covers the implementation of agreements reached by the parties involved in the innovation process, and at the level of relations establishes two-part relations, distributing duties and responsibilities. Common language skills and the ability to use English among speakers of different languages relate to technical, functional communication and are limited to solving everyday problems well known to communicators. When it comes to basic communication, such as contracting, technical and functional language is no longer enough. Similarly, technical, functional language is often limited to face-to-face communication and cannot be used in conversation by email, phone, etc." [2].

Methodology of the research

The scientific study of corporate communication is closely connected with linguistic, cultural and multilingual reality. In Russian linguistics, interaction in professional communities is in the field of attention of scientists in the aspect of the description of terminology and term systems, to date, the following features of professional and business communication have been studied: the use of professional terminology [3, 4]; pedagogical aspects of professionally oriented training of students [3]; strategies and tactics of speech manipulation [5]; linguistic and cultural aspects of English professional jargon in economic discourse and business negotiations [6]; advertising discourse [7] and others.

The linguistic specificity of professional texts was touched upon in the framework of functional and stylistic language learning. However, corporate communication has not become a separate object of description within these works. Modern corporate speech is an actual object of research, as rhetorically literate, able to have an impact speech involves joining the addressees to the point of view of the speaker.

To achieve the goal of the study, the following methods were used: analytical description of language facts, cognitive, functional, comparative, statistical methods, the use of the global Internet.

Research results

It is obvious that there is a need to fill the existing lack of knowledge about the features of communicative behavior in corporate communication. The most effective way to solve the problem of pragmatic intention is to combine both approaches to the comparative study of speech behavior of representatives of different corporate cultures. It is in the direct communicative interaction at a given time, in this “communicative space” that different degrees of sociocultural, age, gender, language and other characteristics of individual interlocutors are revealed. Being representatives of a certain linguo-socioculture, the interlocutors are carriers of moral and ethical norms, as well as strategies of verbal and nonverbal behavior, habitual for this culture.

Features of communicative behavior in corporate communication are determined by so- cio-pragmatic, cultural, situational and linguistic factors. Socio-pragmatic factors are associated with the personality of interacting and reflect their position in the social sphere. Cultural factors are mediated by the cultural characteristics of the society to which the interlocutors belong and are reflected in traditions, customs and cultural norms. The most relevant factors are the etiquette norms, including corporate etiquette - those common traditional rules that dictate behavior patterns, norms of politeness that regulate relations between interlocutors in a given situation.

Behavior in corporate communication has changed dramatically in response to the rapid development of new digital communication technologies, adapting to the expansion of global networks within organizations. Communication is a complex, strategic, and vital component to the functioning of an organization and reinforces its importance in an information-driven economy tied to messages created for all types of audiences.


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 4 (27), 2019 ISSN 2587-8093

Economic globalization, the promotion and popularization of information technologies and the Internet have largely triggered the development of corporate communication, making it easier to collect, store and transmit information and allowing corporations to access information faster. The main function of corporate communication is to facilitate two-way communication between the corporation and stakeholders. The leadership roles of corporate communicators determine their internal and external importance in protecting, maintaining and strengthening the reputation of the company, and also characterizes the level of relationship between corporate communicators and managers who are responsible for the most important programs (for example, relations with investors and the government), where corporate communicators have a secondary role.

Corporate communication is a discipline that enhances the external and internal perception of an organization and seeks to protect its reputation when problems threaten it. Corporate communication also counteracts the constant scrutiny and negative attention faced by businesses. The success of a company's communication strategy largely depends on how this strategy is closely related to the strategy of the business as a whole. To work effectively, corporate communication professionals must have a complete understanding of their employer's business and its values, products, services and strategies, this determines the audience to be reached for success, customers (actual and potential), suppliers, distributors, the company's own employees, investors, etc., which have varying degrees but significant impact on both the company's business and its activities. The key to corporate communication strategy is the concept of corporate identity: the core profile that an organization wants to project to all its important stakeholder groups. In order to achieve the necessary level of understanding of the organization on the part of stakeholders, the creation of its favorable image, consistent cooperation, appropriate to the corporate style of the company, the organization must implement a number of actions that contribute to its own integration, in particular, the distribution of brochures, advertising campaigns, the creation and promotion of websites, logos, etc.

In today's environment, organizations often find it difficult to emphasize their competitive advantages and stand out. Media and communications experts estimate that an average person receives 13,000 commercial messages (including being exposed to company logos) a day. One study of the characteristics of corporate communication suggests that "integrated communication strategies are more likely to break through this chaos and make a company name or product brand heard and remembered than poorly coordinated attempts. Through consistent communications, the organization is likely to be known and positively evaluated by key stakeholder groups. Therefore, organizations are increasingly making significant efforts to protect their corporate image by strictly coordinating and monitoring all communication campaigns and all other points of contact with stakeholders. Organizations have also realized that messages in different media can complement each other, resulting in greater communication impact than any single message. Due to the increasing costs of traditional media advertising and the opportunities provided by the Internet, many organizations have reconsidered their media presence and how to control it. As a result of these two events, organizations now tend to look at the media in a much broader sense and through the disciplines of marketing and public relations. Organizations have also become more creative in looking beyond corporate and product advertising in other media to communicate with stakeholders. Many organizations today use a variety of media, including corporate blogs and online communications such as websites, banners, and sponsored online communities" [8].

Since Russian and English are two distantly related languages that have their own communicative norms, special attention needs to be paid to ensuring that the target texts not only convey the original content, but also meet the general expectations of the target audience.

When characterizing the effectiveness of corporate communication, special attention should be paid to culture-specific factors, since numerous studies show that they are key and


Scientific Journal “Modern Linguistic and Methodical-and-Didactic Researches” Issue 4 (27), 2019 ISSN 2587-8093

positive factors that strengthen the negotiation process and decision-making process, stimulating efficiency.

English in its modern form, especially in business and corporate communication, very often uses the following constructions: it was decided, it is to be noted, it is necessary, it is important, etc. Mostly, these constructions involve compound sentences with non-personal verb forms [9]. A specialist is required to possess a general vocabulary, and it is also advisable to use a terminological base, narrow-profile scientific or corporate concepts. These equivalents need to know and operate them in English, be able to determine what part of speech the words belong to, to be able to correctly translate and prevent distortion of its meaning [10; 11].

It is worth paying attention to the features of polite treatment of a communicant of a higher status to a subordinate [12]: Hey, Greggs! What’re you going, John? The address hey (an informal expression indicating surprise, anxiety, a call to someone else's attention, used in the vernacular and not allowed in corporate communication) demonstrates the familiarity of the speaker and his non-compliance with the norms of speech etiquette within the company.

For impolite corporate communication the use of negative emotionally colored verbs is peculiar (to threat, to fire, to waste). Also, in case of impolite corporate communication the use of negative phrasal verbs is noted (to get out, to dump, to shut up). In the process of studying speech behavior in the English-speaking corporate space, special attention should be paid to adjectives with a negative connotation, revealing the negative attitude of communicants: This partner's facilities seem antiquated, understaffed and even underfunded. Also, the phrase Excellent work can be used if the communicant is dissatisfied with the results of the work of a colleague, who, for example, has failed the whole team. The sarcasm in these examples is manifested through the game of words.

By results of approbation of the developed algorithm of speech influence it is possible to draw a conclusion about its ability to render appropriate (contact setting, manipulative) influence on the addressee, forming the necessary for successful communication behavior and regulating the relations between interlocutors.


Today, on the background of the rapid spread of advanced technologies, the volume and characteristics of communication and the necessity for in-depth language training of specialists in various fields evoke the need for an accurate understanding of the original oral or written text linguistic specific. Awareness of cultural differences between participants in corporate communication prepares employees to understand better their behavior and overcome obstacles in communication, as well as to understand culturally significant business models in an international context. This is crucial not only for effective communication in working groups or cooperation between employees and employers, but also for interaction with international subsidiaries of companies, for negotiating with stakeholders, and for improving communication capacity in global corporations.

Corporate communication should be carried out in strict accordance with existing standards and it is the study of stereotypical speech behavior in the English-speaking corporate space that should form the basis of training. The article systematizes and explains the features of corporate communication through the type of culture and the category of politeness, which are considered as the most important regulator of communicative behavior. A comprehensive linguistic analysis of corporate communication produced by native English speakers requires taking into account its linguistic and cultural features as one of the key components of the professional competence of specialists of economic specialties and attracting specific linguistic material that demonstrates the stereotypes of speech behavior in the modern corporate space. Considered in the study methods represent a comprehensive approach to the analysis of corporate communication produced by English native speakers, given the linguistic and cultural aspects of its implementation in the speech of representatives of the business community that brings together cognitive, emotional, and physical aspects of language teaching, corporate communi-