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  1. Explain the following.

  1. face-to-face interaction

  2. to work on a team

  3. proper preparation

  4. room bookings

  5. to hold the meeting

  6. formally welcome

  7. an overhead projector

  8. to stay within the time limits

  9. to put to a vote

  1. Match the noun(s) on the left with a suitable item on the right. Use each item once.

  1. The staff members a. indicates the order of items.

  2. The motion b. have been counted.

  3. The time limit c. are going to have the floor.

  4. The agenda items d. is running smoothly.

  5. The agenda e. attended the meeting.

  6. The chairperson f. have been put to a vote.

  7. The ballots g. has been set.

  8. The meeting h. has been carried.

  1. Complete the sentences with the words (phrases): takes the floor; set a time limit; in charge; a vote; estimated; chairperson; hold a meeting;

  1. They decided to _________ to discuss the latest sales report.

  2. We _________ that it would take two years to complete the job.

  3. The representative of the company _________.

  4. She is __________ of the family business.

  5. The _________ will determine the order in which people will speak.

  6. Each shareholder has ________ at the annual general meeting.

  7. We __________ of ten minutes for each speaker.

  1. Answer the questions below.

  • What is required to run a meeting smoothly?

  • What is the purpose of having an agenda?

  • What are the roles of a chairperson at a meeting?

  • Is it important to make small talk before starting a meeting?

  • Do you know how to finish a meeting?

  1. Seven golden rules to a successful business meeting.

  1. Be punctual but a few minutes earlier is acceptable.

  2. Do not ask too many personal questions during small talk.

  3. A business meeting is important even when it is held in the pub.

  4. Dress in a neutral coloured suit – either black, navy or dark grey.

  5. Do not hold eye contact for too long during business meetings.

  6. Do not bring a personal gift for your business partners.

  7. Do not rush or rush your attendants into making business decisions.

  1. Find in the text key words and expressions to speak about holding a business meeting. Retell the text in English. Language Work

  1. Look and memorise the words:

  1. attend a meeting – присутствовать на собрании

hold a meeting проводить собрание

run a meeting – руководить собранием

I was unable to attend the meeting.

They hold a meeting every Tuesday.

He is going to run the meeting today.

  1. staff members – сотрудники (учреждения)

They are staff members of the personnel department.

  1. have (take) the floor – выступать, брать слово.

The chairperson has the floor at the beginning of the meeting.

  1. vote – голосование, право голоса; голосовать

open vote – открытое голосование

private (closed) vote – закрытое голосование

put to the vote – ставить на голосование

He has voted against the proposal.

All staff members are elected by open vote.

The proposal is to be put to the vote.

  1. in favour – «за» (при голосовании)

in opposition – «против» (при голосовании)

All those in favour raise your hands.

The unions are in opposition to the government.

  1. ballot – избирательный бюллетень, список кандидатов для голосования

They are counting the ballots now.

  1. carry – принимать (при голосовании)

fail – отклонить, не принять (при голосовании)

The proposal was carried by 210 votes to 150.

The resolution was failed.

  1. time limit – регламент, предельное время

set a time limit – установить регламент

We have already gone over the time limit for this meeting.

  1. motion – предложение (на собрании)

put the motion to vote – поставить предложение на голосование

Her motion was voted on.

All members of the assembly put the motion to vote on a resolution.

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