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  1. Explain the following.

  1. to engage in small talk

  2. medium for business communication

  3. chitchat

  4. to break the ice

  5. handshake

  6. to delegate authority

  7. relationship building

  8. to initiate a conversation

  1. Match the pairs of synonyms from A and B and translate them.


  1. welcome a. chitchat

  2. clasp hands b. respond

  3. greet c. vary

  4. answer d. greet

  5. chat e. shake hands

  6. change f. address

  1. Match the verb on the left with a suitable item on the right. Use each item once.

  1. engage a. hands

  2. delegate b. relations

  3. establish c. in small talk

  4. shake d. the ice

  5. chat e. about the weather

  6. break f. authority

  1. Translate the words in brackets.

  1. He welcomed me with a wide smile and a warm (рукопожатие). 2. I soon learned how to make (легкая светская беседа) with people at formal receptions. 3. She sent me a (вежливый) letter thanking me for my invitation. 4. The topic of (разговор) was our business plan. 5. A (приветствие) in Japan is usually the bow. 6. The election results showed that that party had lost (власть). 7. It is (невоспитанный) not to say “Thank you” when you are given something.

  1. Answer the questions below.

  • What is small talk?

  • Is there a standard course of etiquette when you meet and greet people?

  • What formal and informal ways to address people do you know?

  • What does the question How are you? mean?

  • What are the acceptable topics of the conversation after business hours?

  • What subjects do you have to avoid when you have just met people?

  1. Complete the sentences choosing the best variant.

  1. In a formal situation a foreigner can call someone by using

  1. his/her first name.

  2. his/her last name.

  3. his/her title.

  1. Small talk carries … in itself.

  1. a lot of meaning

  2. little meaning

  3. no meaning

  1. The goal of small talk is …

  1. to get to know people.

  2. to ask personal questions.

  3. to talk about business.

  1. After work hours, people like discussing …

  1. their business.

  2. weather and sports.

  3. their health problems.

  1. You can offend people you have just met by …

  1. the way you look.

  2. your politeness.

  3. your joke.

  1. Mark the main ideas of the text and retell it in English. Language Work (1)

  1. Look and memorise the words:

  1. greet, v. – приветствовать; здороваться

greeting, n приветствие

customary greeting – обычное приветствие

Friends and family members usually greet each other in an informal way.

Business greetings, on the other hand, are more formal.

A customary greeting in India is pressing your palms together at around chest level.

  1. vary,v. – менять, изменять

various, adj. – различный, разный, разнообразный

variety, n. – разнообразие

Business practices vary all over the world.

The various types of websites to meet people bring together millions of people from around the world.

You can meet people in a variety of different ways.

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