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I.Read the following advertisements.

a)Design for Men (Paul Jones)

8 Glasshouse Street London WC1

Tel: 01714578354 Fax: 01714577644

Paul Jones has announced plans to launch a low-priced range of suits in the autumn. The suits are in the same fabrics and made to the same standards as his top of the range models, though economies have been made on detailing. They should retail at about $200, as opposed to $800.

b)GSA Water Purifiers

Our purifiers are unique because they contain a carbon filter, which is impregnated silver. Silver stops the growth of bacteria inside the unit. The latest models GSA 200T, GSA 500T, GSA 10D are economical and have large capacity.

c)B.J. Buckwald. Custom Moulding Inc.

We supply plastic bottles and containers to the cosmetics and cleaning materials industries. Each one of our customers has different needs and those needs are changing all the time. So our aim is to be flexible. We offer products in a range of shapes, colors, and sizes, and we can make custom built containers quickly and in any quantity (1000’s to millions).

We believe in rapid response: with a maximum of six weeks from order to delivery, we are the fastest and most flexible company.

d)XL Audio (Britain)

Omnosonic, Midi System OM800


This compact midisystem is good quality and good value for money. It is a complete system consisting of dual tape deck, FM tuner, CD player Amplifier with built in equalizer and 3 way loudspeakers. The unit comes in a smart grey aluminium case. With digital display and easy to use controls, it will appeal to the average user.

For the specialist we have put together an attractive package of individual units, which use the latest technology in digital recording.

e) Alpha Food Machines

The Rapid Bottles

Our new system is completely computer controlled, offering you trouble free bottling. The Alpha Rapid Bottler can handle up to 200 reusable bottles a minute and

washes the bottles in boiling water checks for cracked and brocken bottles fills each bottle to the required level caps the bottles

puts on the labels

packs the bottles into crates

The system can run 24 hours a day with minimum maintenance.

Write to Alpha Food Machines, 54 Rue Barrault, Toulouse, France

II. Choose an ad on which your contract will be based.

III. Divide the group into two teams. One team will act as the Buyers, the other one will act as the Sellers.

IV. If you are the Buyers write an enquiry letter to obtain detailed information of the product you need.

V. If you are the Sellers answer the enquiry letter making an offer for the required product. Invent all necessary details.

VI. If you are the Buyers, after you have received the offer, make a phone call to arrange a meeting with the Sellers to discuss the terms of your future contract.

VII. Act out negotiations to discuss terms and conditions of the contract. If the Buyers’ team represents a Russian company choose an interpreter. Before the Parties meet they both should have their own drafts of the Contract.

VIII. Each team writes a letter to confirm the agreement (or to change some points) and they arrange a meeting to sign the contract.

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