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12. Дополните предложения, используя some или any

  1. Ann didn't take any photographs but I took some. (I/take)

  2. “Where’s your luggage?” I haven’t got any.(I/not/have)

  3. “Do you need any money?” “No, thank you.______________.(I/have)

  4. “Can you lend me some money?” “I’m sorry but___________.”(I/not/have)

  5. The tomatoes in the shop didn't look very good, so _____________.(I/not/buy)

  6. There were some nice oranges in the shop, so___________________.(I/buy)

13. Вставьте something/somebody/anything/anybody

  1. She said something to me but I didn't understand it.

  2. “What's wrong?” “There’s___________in my eye.”

  3. Do you know_______________about politics?

  4. I went to the shop but I didn't buy___________________.

  5. _______________ has broken the window. I don't know who.

  6. There isn't_________in the bag. It’s empty.

  7. I’m looking for my keys. Has___________seen them?

  8. Would you like______________to drink?

  9. I didn't eat_____________because I wasn't hungry.

  10. This is a secret. Please don’t tell______________.

14. Перепишите предложения, используя - no

We haven t got any money. We have got no money.______________

There aren't any shops near here.___________________________

Carol hasn't got any free time._____________________________

There isn't a light in this room._____________________________

15. Перепишите предложения, используя - any

We've got no money. We haven’t got any money.

There's no tea in the pot.______________________________________

There are no buses today.______________________________________

Tom has got no brothers or sisters.______________________________

16. Вставьте no или any

  1. There's no sugar in your coffee.

  2. My brother is married but he hasn't got children.

  3. Sue doesn't speak foreign languages.

  4. I’m afraid there's coffee. Would you like some tea?

  5. 'Look at those birds!' 'Birds? Where? I can't see birds.'

  6. 'Do you know where Jane is? "No, I’ve got idea.'

17. Вставьте no, any или none

  1. There aren't pictures on the wall.

  2. The weather was cold but there was wind.

  3. I wanted to buy some oranges but they didn't have_____________.

  4. Everything was correct. There were______________mistakes.

  5. 'How much luggage have you got?' '___________' .

  6. 'How much luggage have you got?' 'I haven't got_______'.

18. Дополните предложения, используя any или no + одно из этих слов

answer difference film friends furniture heating money photographs problems questions

  1. Everything was OK. There were no problems.

  2. They want to go on holiday but they've got _______________.

  3. I'm not going to answer _____________________.

  4. He's always alone. He's got_______________________ .

  5. There is_____________between these two machines. They're exactly the same.

  6. There wasn't_______________ in the room. It was completely empty.

  7. I tried to phone you yesterday but there was______________________.

  8. The house is cold because there isn't ____________________________.

  9. I can't take ________________ . There's________________ in the camera.

Обязательный лексический минимум по теме “Dwelling

  1. a storey(=floor) - этаж

  2. well-planned – хорошо спланированный

  3. a convenience - удобство

  4. central heating – центральное отопление

  5. electricity – электричество

  6. gas – газ

  7. cold and hot running water – холодная и горячая вода

  8. a kitchen – кухня

  9. a bathroom – ванная комната

  10. a bedroom - спальня

  11. a hall – зал, коридор

  12. a balcony – балкон

  13. a living room – жилая комната

  14. a dining room – столовая

  15. a sitting room – гостиная

  16. a study – кабинет

  17. a spare room – комната для гостей

  18. cosy - удобный

  19. light – светлый

  20. a refrigerator – холодильник

  21. a microwave oven – микроволновая печь

  22. a dishwasher – посудомоечная машина

  23. a wardrobe- гардероб

  24. a sink / a washbasin – раковина (на кухне, в ванной)

  25. an oven - духовка

  26. a mirror - зеркало

  27. a washing machine – стиральная машина

  28. a shower - душ

  29. an iron - утюг

  30. a hoover, a vacuum cleaner - пылесос