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3. Дополните предложения подходящими по смыслу словами

  1. Do you still do a lot of weight training ?

  2. I enjoy jogging and it keeps me_______.

  3. Liz doesn't have much opportunity now to go rock___________.

  4. Nigel loves dangerous sports; I'm the complete _____________.

  5. He has played for several good teams and he takes it very____________.

  6. I used to play a lot of ice______________.

  7. We still like watching motor _____________.

  8. I played for years, then I injured my ankle and I had to give____________.

  9. In the summer I go jogging in the park. In the winter I exercise indoors and go to the____________.

  10. I love swimming, and it's really good for___________.

4. Ответьте на вопросы

  1. What sport do you do?

  2. Do you take sport seriously or do you do it just for fun?

  3. Are you very competitive?

  4. Are you good at any sports?

  5. Have you taken up a new sport recently?

  6. Have you ever had to give up a sport for any reason?