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II. Listening Comprehension (Tapescript 2)

Some useful vocabulary: “An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations” - _____________________________________________; gypsy - _____________; to kidnap - __________________________; to rescue - _____________________; founding fathers of America - ___________________________________________

Task 7. Fill in the gaps with the missing words:

Adam Smith, the so-called father of __________________, was born in Scotland some time around 1723. Nobody knows exactly when he was born, but his father __________ when he was about six months old. When he was four years old gypsies kidnapped him. Thankfully, he was quickly _________ by his uncle.

He went to the University of _____________ when he was only 14 years old. When he was 17 he started his studies at _______________ University. He was there for _______ years, but he didn’t start any important work there. He came back to Scotland in _________. Later he published a book that _________________________ forever: “An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations”. Today we simply call it “_________________________”.

Smith’s thinking and writing influenced people like __________________ and the founding fathers of America. For this reason, his ideas have helped to make _______________________ as we know it. The world might have been very different if __________________ had not rescued him all those years ago!

Task 8. Render the text you’ve listened into English:

Отец современной экономики Адам Смит родился в 1723 г. в Шотландии. Его отец умер, когда ему было 6 месяцев. В возрасте 4-х лет его украли цыгане, но, к счастью, он был освобожден своим дядей.

В 14 лет Адам Смит поступил в университет в Глазго. В 17-летнем возрасте он начал учиться в Оксфордском университете.

Адам Смит издал книгу, которая изменила экономику навсегда. Она называлась “Исследование о природе и причинах богатства народов”. Сейчас мы ее кратко называем “Богатство народов”.

Мышление Смита оказало влияние на Карла Маркса, на “отцов” (творцов конституции США). Идеи Смита помогли сделать мир таким, каким мы его знаем сейчас. Мир мог бы стать совсем другим, если бы дядя Адама Смита не спас его много лет тому назад!

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