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16. Закончите предложения.

1. The high jump, the long jump, the hop, step and jump, these are called .... 2. Running races are called .... 3. The track is the ground that has been made for .... 4. The marathon race is ran across country, so ....

17. Прочитайте текст.


Let me introduce myself. My first name is.... My surname is .... I was born in St Petersburg (Moscow, Sestroretsk) on the 2nd of May, 1983. Now I'm a first-year student of the Lesgaft State University of Physical Education. My sport (kind of sport) is … . I have been doing it for 10 years. I'm a Candidate of Master of Sports. My coach's name is ... . He is a Merited Master of Sports and a Master of Sports of International Level. I train 6 times a week in the stadium or in the gym. I participated in district (city, zone, Russia) competitions, European and World Tournaments (championships) and some other events. Sometimes I won the titles (I have never won the titles).

18. Составьте рассказ о себе. Пользуйтесь лексикой упр. 17.

19. Составьте рассказ о своем друге. Расскажите, каким видом спорта он занимается.

20. Прочитайте и переведите текст на русский язык. (Письменно.) about myself (continued)

My hobbies are: reading, watching TV (listening to the music, going to the theatres, museums, discos and clubs, cooking, sewing, knitting).

In summer I like playing football (volleyball, basketball, badminton). Tennis is also one of my favourite sports. Besides, I'm fond of swimming and sunbathing.

In winter I usually practise skiing and skating. I'm a great figure-skating fan. Sometimes I'm engaged in shaping (boxing, aerobics, body­building) and I always enjoy riding a bike and going to the swimming pool. After graduating from Lesgaft University I'm going to.become a coach or a physical education teacher.

21. Составьте рассказ о себе, пользуясь лексикой упр. 20.

22. Объедините два рассказа в один и перескажите их.

23. Прочитайте и переведите текст на русский язык.

top team — команда, занимающая лидирующее положение

amateur — любительский

professional — профессиональный

Football is very famous all over the world and it is a very popular game in Britain. It is called soccer in this country. The British are interested in this sports event since early childhood. Every boy in Britain knows a lot about the game. He can tell you the names of the players of top teams. He has pictures of them and knows the results of many matches.

The soccer season begins in the middle of August, usually on the second Saturday. All amateur and professional teams do their best and train hard to win their matches.

Football is also played in the USA, but American football is quite different from European soccer.

24. Прочитайте текст и диалоги. (Работа в парах.) football

This afternoon I'm taking my cousin and my uncle to a football match. Simon's never seen a professional game. Uncle Guy hasn't seen one for years. Today's match is between Arsenal and Liverpool.

Both of these teams are very good this season. I haven't seen Liverpool this season. They're often the best teams in the first division. I often go to the football matches. I usually go to Highbury to see Arsenal. Their games are always good. I sometimes go to see Chelsea. Some of their games are good, others are bad. Rugby's another exciting sport, but I don't usually go to a rugby game.

The best sport's football.

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