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2. А) Скажите, как называются по-английски спортсмены, занимающие­ся следующими видами спорта:

kick-boxing, figure-skating, rowing, diving, weightlifting, fencing

б) Назовите по-английски спортсменов, которые специализируются в сле­дующих спортивных играх:

football, volleyball, handball, basketball, water polo

3. Прочитайте правильно следующие слова и словосочетания:

athlete — спортсмен, спортсменка

coach— тренер

have the first grade — иметь первый разряд

have the second grade — иметь второй разряд

have the third grade — иметь третий разряд

be a Master of Sports — быть мастером спорта

be a Master of Sports of International Level — быть мас­тером спорта международного уровня

be a Merited Master of Sports — быть заслуженным мас­тером спорта

record-holder — рекордсмен

champion— чемпион

Запомните: gymnast , tennisist, cyclist, track-and-field athlete, ski racer.

4. Переведите выделенные слова и словосочетания с ними на русский язык.

be: Master of Sports / Candidate of Master of Sports / Master of Sports of International Level

have: the first grade / the second grade / the third grade events: cycling, rowing, skiing, wrestling, track-and-field, fencing, speed-skating, gymnastics, figure-skating, basketball, volleyball, moun­taineering, artistic gymnastics

5. Прочитайте вопросы и ответы. (Работа в парах.)

1. Are you engaged / involved in sport? — Yes, I am. 2. Are you an athlete? — Yes, I am. I am an athlete. 3. Are you a swimmer? — Yes, I am. / No, I am not. 4. Have you a coach? — Yes, I have. 5. What is your sports level? — I am a Candidate of Master of Sports. / I have the first grade. 6. Is your coach a Merited Master of Sports? — Yes, he is. / No, he is not. 7. Where do you train? — I train in the swimming pool / at the stadium / on the court / on the track / on the ground. 8. Do you participate in the competitions? — Yes, I do. / No, I don't. 9. Do you win prizes? — Yes, I do. / No I don't. 10. Are you a skier / a gymnast / a skater / a rower? — Yes, I am. / No, I am not. 11. What is your sports specialization? — I am a boxer.

6. Закончите высказывания.

1.I practise .... 2. My event is.... 3.I am a.... 4. My coach is.... 5.I train in the .... 6.I began to practise .... 7.I take part in ... competitions. 8. The tournament took place in .... 9. My favourite sport is ... but I also like ... ,... and ....

7. Скажите по-русски:

athlete; coach; compete; event; practise; competitions; participate; win prizes; referee; perform; judge; performance; be good at

8. Ответьте на вопросы, используя слова в скобках.

1. Where do gymnasts train? (in the hall, in the gym, on the sports ground)

2. What events do athletes practise? (fencing, cycling, track-and-field)

3. What sports grade does this athlete have? (the first grade, the second grade)

4. In what competitions do athletes participate? (swimming, cycling, boxing)

9. Прочитайте и переведите текст на русский язык.

Athletics (track-and-field) is not only the oldest but also the most popular sport. Running, jumping and throwing were popular in some ancient countries: Greece, Egypt and Assyria. Modern athletics began in the 19th century. Running races were held on open fields and later on at the stadiums, where athletes trained and competed. The first Russian athletics club appeared in 1888 in Petersburg. It started the development of Russian athletics. Many Soviet athletes showed good results in running, the Znamensky brothers were among them. Soviet athletes began to participate in international competitions in 1946. We know world and Olympic champions: V. Borzov, V. Brumel, V. Katz and many others.

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