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План роботи

1.Робота з новими словами. Читання та переклад діалогів по темі.


Topical words:

passport control паспортний контроль

customs officer митник

channel прохід

amount кількість

receipt квитанція

duty податок, митний збір

declaration митна декларація

declare вносити в декларацію

citizenship громадянство

submit підлягати

EU - European Union Європейський союз

Text 1.

Read these dialogues and act them out.

Passport control officer: Your passports, please.

Traveller: Here you are.

Passport control officer: How long are you staying in America?

Traveller: Two months. I'm here on business (on invitation).

Passport control о ff і с є r: Your passport and visa are in order. Have a pleasant stay.

Traveller: Thank you.


- Hello.

- Could you tell me which channel to go through?

- If you've got anything to declare you go through the red channel.

- How do you know if I have things to declare?

- Are you staying in Britain for more than six months?

- No.

- The amount of goods you can bring in without duty depends on where you bought them. You can have 200 cigarettes, 1 litre of spirits, 2 litres of wine and presents worth 29 pounds, if you bought them in a duty free shop or on the plane or in a country not in the EU.

  • Thank you.

The customs off ice r: Have you got anything to declare? Any spirits, wine, tobacco in excess of the duty-free allowance?

Traveller: No, I only have a bottle of vodka and these cigarettes.

The customs officer: Have you got any presents which you intend to leave in Britain?

Traveller: Yes, I've got this camera. It costs 200 pounds. I bought it this week.

The customs officer: Have you got the receipt for this camera?

Traveller: Yes, here it is.

The customs officer: If you wait a minute I'll tell you how much duty you must pay.

Traveller: Thanks.

Ex.2. Make up dialogues, filling in the missing remarks.


  1. Could I have your passport, please? —

  2. Where are you going?-

  3. How long are you going to stay? -

  4. What's the purpose of your trip? —

  5. And can I see your vaccination certificate? - ..


1 ? - That's right. Shall I open it?

2 .....? - No, I don't think I have.

3 - Thank you.

3. Робота над заповненням митної декларації.

Fill in the customs declaration.

Full name__________________________________________


Arriving from

Country of destination

Purpose of visit (business, tourism, private)

My luggage (including hand luggage) submitted for Customs inspec­tion consists of__________ pieces.

With my luggage I have:

  1. Weapons of all description and ammunition

  2. Narcotics and appliances for the use there of

  3. Antiques and objects of art (paintings, drawings, icons, sculptures)

  4. Currency (bank notes, letters of credit, etc.), securities (shares, bonds, etc.) in foreign currencies, precious metals, crude and processed natural precious stones (diamonds, brilliants, rubies, emeralds, sapphires and pearls), jewelry and other articles made of precious stones and scrap thereof, as well as property in papers:

5. Other currency, payment vouchers, valuables valid any objects belonging to other persons

I am aware that, in addition to the objects listed in the Customs Dec­laration, I must submit for inspection: printed matter, manuscripts, films, sound recordings, postage stamps, graphics, plants, fruits, seeds, live animals, birds, as well as raw foodstuffs of animal origin and slaughtered fowl.

I also declare that my luggage sent separately consists of pieces.

Ex.4. Translate into English.

1. У вас є про що заявити у митній декларації? - Боюсь, що не цілком уявляю, про що слід заявляти.

2. Ви довго збираєтесь пробути у Великобританії? Понад 6 місяців?

- Ні, лише два місяці.

3. Вибачте, скажіть, будь ласка, це вихід на посадку на рейс 225?

- Ні, ви пішли не туди. Йдіть по коридору і в кінці його поверніть ліворуч.

  1. Яка мета вашого візиту до нашої країни? - Це ділова поїздка.

  2. Це ваш багаж, сер? - Так, ці дві валізи мої. Мені їх відкрити?

  3. Кількість речей, яку ви можете провезти, не сплачуючи мита, залежить від того, де ви їх придбали. - У мене один літр бренді та 150 цигарок.

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