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Words and Word Combinations

elders п. старейшины

weak а. слабый

military а. военный

farm п. ферма (хозяйство)

whip п. кнут; v. стегать кнутом

allow v. разрешать, позволять

serve v. служить

services, служба

- public а. общественный; п. публика

brief я. краткий

flight п. бегство, побег

possible а. возможный

* * *

to perform one's duties - выполнять свои обязанности

to endure hardships (suffering, pain, difficulties) - переносить лишения (страдания, боль,трудности)

to be modest in manner and brief in speech - быть скромным и немногословным

to serve in the army - служить в армии

to find out - узнать, обнаружить


1. Who(m) was a Spartan boy taken to on the day of his birth? What for?

2. What did they do with the boy if he was weak and if he was physically fit?

3. Did the Spartan boy live with his family or in public barracks?

4. How was he taught to become strong and fearless?

5. Why was he beaten in public?

6. What were the Spartan youths known for?

7. What did his mother usually do and say when a soldier left for the battle?

4. Виконання граматичних вправ:

Test your knowledge of the prepositions in / at / to / nothing - showing place and movement. Choose either in, at, to, or nothing and click on the arrow to see you have answered

He lives_______ Zielona Gora.

She went__________ home.

Piotrek works_______ Gorzów Wlkp.

He went________ his friend's house.

She arrived__________ Manchester for the celebrations.

I'm going to stay ____________ home this weekend.

Joanna works___________ the hospital.

Why don't we go__________ the movies tonight?

I'm going to see Hania_________ France this summer.

I arrived____________ work early this morning.

She came________ home early.

We stayed________ the Mieszko Hotel.

They visited____________ England last summer.

She's going to travel_____________ Finland this summer.

I'll be_____________ school later today.


1. Барановська Т.В. Граматика англійської мови. Збірник вправ: Навч. посібник. Видання друге, виправлене та доповненею – Мова англ., укр. – Київ: ТОВ “ВП Логос-М», 2007. – 384с.

2. Л.В. Мисик, А.Л. Арцишевська, Л.Р. Кузнєцова, Л.Л. Поплавська. Англійська мова. Комунікативний аспект. / За ред. доц. Мисик Л.В. – Підручник. – К.: Атіка, 2000. – 368с.

Практичне заняття № 4

Тема: Види крамниць та відділів (в супермаркеті, в аптеці)

План роботи

1. Робота над тестом підручника «Ділова англійська мова» стор 44 Text 2 впр.5-7

1. Read and translate the following text: SHOPPING

My friend will have a birthday in a week, so I decided to look for a present for him. I went to the Central Department Store, which is situated in the center of our city. It is a multistoried building where one can get everything in the way of food and manufactured goods. I must confess, it is so difficult to make a suitable purchase at such a huge shop with a lot of counters and shelves. When I arrived at the Central Department Store first I admired the window-dressing. Then I went along the ground floor, where I could see all kinds of foodstuffs: meat, fish, tinned food, sausage, fruit, wine, sweets, etc. I went on with my shopping and noticed that there were on sale: haberdashery, stationery, hosiery, and leather-wear. To tell the truth I found myself in a fantastic city of silk skirts and shirts, different kinds of frocks and coats, leather boots and shoes, woolen pullovers and sweaters, jeans and suits, jackets and blouses. There one can get everything in the way of clothes wanted by men, women and children: footwear, knitwear, ready-made clothes, firs and what not. I admired the cut and the style of a light summer frock and made up my mind to try it on,

A pleasant-looking shop-assistant proposed me to try the frock on and to look in the mirror. But unfortunately, it didn't suit me perfectly; it was a bit loose on me.

On the first floor I could see all kinds of household utensils: crockery, china, electric appliances, pots and pans, vacuum-cleaners, washing-machines, cameras, radio and television sets, video, cassette-recorders and a lot of other things. On the second floor there were the perfumery and gift and souvenir departments.

There was a big choice of different things. The shop-assistant suggested looking at a beautiful water-colour. 1 liked it very much and was sure my friend would like it too. The price of the water-colour wasn't very high, I must admit. So, I paid money at the cash-desk. The cashier gave me a receipt and I came up to the shop-assistant again. She passed me a wrapped parcel, thanked me and said she was always glad to see me again at their shop. After that I bought a beautiful birthday card. I was happy and a bit excited to buy such a good present and went out of the shop.

On my way home I suddenly remembered that my mother asked me to buy some food products. We had run out of bread and I had to drop in at the baker's. I bought a loaf of brown bread, some rolls and buns. Then I made my way to the grocer's where I bought a kilo of sugar and some sausage. There was a vegetable stall near the bus stop, and I decided to buy some oranges and apples. On my way home I was thinking about a nice present I had managed to buy.

2. Виконання після текстових вправ

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