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The Lion's Skin Tasks and Voc.doc
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Vocabulary Tasks

  1. Paraphrase the following sentences:

  1. Eleanor took an immediate fancy to Sir Frederick.

  2. I’ve ever set eyes on you in my life.

  3. One met such hosts of fellers.

  4. I’m bound to tell you that I thought him very attractive.

  5. His look was so caressing that you couldn’t think he meant you harm.

  6. Lady Hardy had more to put up with than any suspected.

  7. The future offered him affluence position and respectability.

  8. I’d told you to have my car washed by nine and it wasn’t ready so I kicked up a row.

  9. Thompson told me then, your father had been a pal of his and he’d taken you on out of charity because you were down and out.

  10. I am not going to give you away.

  11. Robert placed such confidence in her.

  1. Paraphrase the following sentences using word combinations from the text.

  1. Robert was inclined to be a little stuffy about actresses.

  2. He came forwards and in his polite and friendly way shook hands with Lady Hardy.

  3. He is a rogue.

  4. She couldn’t refuse to listen to her husband’s appeal.

  5. It was a mocking looking which warned you.

  6. When his uncle had died Fred Hardy went into Parliament himself.

  7. I was puzzled at first and then it dawn on me.

  8. You were a bit of lazy-bones even in those days.

  9. When I was home on my holidays once, I went to garage.

  10. You’ve been exaggerating a bit, haven’t you, with all those stories I hear of your courage in the trenches.

  11. She just loved him blindly.

  12. He tried to do his best to be nice to her.

  1. Find in the text synonyms for the following Russian words:

быть склонным (2), честность(2), терпеть(2), очаровательный(3), скандал (2), выдавать (2), обманщик (3), нелепый (2), холодно (2), восхищаться(2),

краснеть (2)

  1. Give Russian equivalents and use the expressions in sentences of your own.

To get hold of, to begin proceedings for slander, to resign one’s commission, to enlist, to get a commission, to get the goods on smb., to come clean, to get into scrapes, to make a rule of smth., to keep out of goal, to trade on, to live on wits, to stick at nothing, to let up.

  1. Give English equivalents:

навести справки, рассчитаться, приличный человек, неприличный человек, призывать к верности, верить к.-л., не одобрять к.-л., неотразимое обаяние, достаточное состояние, старый хрыч, важная персона, странные вещи, изумительный обман, быть плененным, неотступно преследовать, в погоне за.

  1. Match the words and translate:



broadened out hair


close-cropped person


engaging eyes


slightly built

affable smile (laugh)


  1. Insert prepositions or adverbs if necessary.

  1. She made inquiries ____ them ____ her friends _____ Cannes.

  2. Sir Frederick had lately come ____ the baronetcy _____ the death _____ an uncle.

  3. Eleanor took an immediate fancy ____ Sir Frederick.

  4. Robert always looked as though he had stepped ____ ____ a show-window.

  5. I’ve never set eyes ____ you ____ my life.

  6. Robert was busy ____ woman ____ the other side ____ him.

  7. However dull the women were he was sitting next ____ he gave them ____ his best.

  8. Robert placed such confidence ____ her.

  9. In crises he had only to call _____ her loyalty.

  10. He seemed to be devoted ____ his wife and children now.

  11. My old lady doesn’t approve ____ my drinking between meals.

  12. I certainly have nothing to be ashamed ____.

  13. I haven’t got anything ____ you.

  14. He was ___ pursuit ___ an ideal.

  15. You seem to be very decent ____ your wife and that’s ___ your favour.

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