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The Lion's Skin Tasks and Voc.doc
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Vocabulary Tasks

I. Paraphrase the following sentence:

  1. How much good there was in Hardy notwithstanding his reputation.

  2. She was almost certain to smash one of the glasses to atoms.

  3. Her own kindness was infinite.

  4. In the short time they became conspicuous in the social life of the Riviera.

  5. It seemed at unromantic ailment.

  6. Like all Englishmen he was very reserved.

  7. By hook or by crook she was going to marry him.

  8. The matron, one of those New England spinsters, couldn’t bear make-up.

  9. He began to chaff me.

II. Paraphrase the following sentences using word combination from the text:

  1. Unfortunately, the jobs that offered, were not very important but he didn’t reject them.

  2. Captain Forestier had enough knowledge in wines.

  3. His father was well known to have the best sense of taste in England and he received it as an hier.

  4. He didn’t want to spent time with drunks.

  5. His principles were very high and he was prepared to the faithful to them at any cost.

  6. She wasn’t fond of him, she loved him.

  7. She knew that she didn’t deserve him.

  8. He was an honest man.

  9. Captain Forestier was all for going to work but he had only one condition.

  10. He had his whims and fancies but she thought that she had to be true to them.

  11. But for the Hardy’s wonderful kindness she would have gone mad after the loss of her husband.

III. Find in the text synonyms for the following Russian words:

Неуклюжий (4), глупый (2), вкус(2), раздраженный (3), скромный (2), быть верным (2), злобный (2).

IV. Give English equivalents for the following words and expressions:

Сохранить здравый рассудок, рассматривать в качестве ч.-л., выложиться, оказывать услугу, щадить себя, здоровенный парень, лезть из кожи вон, с головы до ног (до кончиков ногтей), выплакивать глаза, по своей собственной инициативе, устраивать прием, придавать значение, отзывчивость, иметь дело с к.-л.

V. Give Russian equivalents:

Unfailing sympathy, female impersonation, aggressive masculinity of one’s appearance, unfortunate taste, desolute future, infinite kindness, disinterested love,

malicious thought, affluent circumstances, revolting work, passionate attachment, hard-bitten people, nouveaux riches, amiable stupidity.

VI. Match the words:


pale-blue nose



abundant skin



dyed-golden eyes


awkward movements



weather-beaten hair


VII. Insert prepositions or adverbs if necessary:

  1. Her husband was everything in the world ____ her.

  2. She succeeded only ____ looking like a vaudeville artist.

  3. She spent a great deal of money _____ her clothes.

  4. She had an unfortunately taste _____ choosing dresses.

  5. When first you know her you took her ____ a figure fun.

  6. She had a rare capacity____ disinterested love.

  7. She was not rich ____ American standards.

  8. It was during the last year of the war that captain Forestier came ____ her care.

  9. They settled ____ in a handsome villa.

  10. He was brought ____ when I happened to be ____ duty.

  11. When I used to get to his bed ____ my round I was so breathless and my heart beat so I couldn’t make ____ whet was the matter ____ me.

  12. I couldn’t imagine what he must be thinking _____ me.

  13. Danger was a stimulant _____him.

  14. He looked forward ____ our little chats.

  15. I am not very good ____ guessing.

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