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Модуль 6 - экономич. события в СМИ.doc
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Troops fired on an Afghan bus.

(5) No articles. Both definite and indefinite articles are often dropped in newspaper headlines (i.e. Mayor to Choose Candidate). Here are some more examples:

President Declares Celebration = The president has declared a celebration. Passerby Sees Woman Jump = A passerby has seen a woman jump (into the river).


1. Explore an example newspaper. Identify the different sections and types of information found in it and fill in the chart given below.

2. Read a newspaper article and analyze the difference between the headline, leading sentence and article content in terms of grammar forms and vocabulary. 3. Try to "translate" the meaning of each of the following headlines into more understandable English:

Man Killed in Accident – Mayor to Open Shopping Mall – Overwhelming Response of Voters – President Declares Celebration – Under Pressure from Boss – Unexpected Visit – Widow Pension Pay Committee – Mustang Referral Customer Complaint.

4. Skim an article in the news section and answer the six basic questions (6 Q’s) about the news (Who? What? Where? When? Why? and How? )

5. Look at a photo and answer the same 6 basic news questions.

6. Answer the following questions:

A. 1. Is reading newspapers popular in Britain?

2. What newspapers do the British read? Do you know the titles of British newspapers?

3. What types of newspapers are there in Britain and what they are different from each other?

B. 1 .Do you know the titles of tabloids and of quality newspapers?

2.What newspapers are tabloids?

3. What kind of newspapers are mass-market?

4. What is the most sold tabloid/broadsheet?

5. How many copies of Daily Mirror/ Today are sold every day/ daily?

6. What is the most sold middle-market newspaper?

7. What do you think why quality papers are not so good sold as tabloids?

C. 1. What do people read newspapers for?

2. Do you or your friends, relatives read (like to read/reading) newspapers?

3. How often do you read newspapers? (sometimes, every day, rarely)

4. What newspapers do you/the members of your family prefer reading?

5. What pages/sections in the newspaper are of special interest to you?

6. Do you read the newspaper from front to back or from back to front? Why?

7. How often do you read a newspaper? Where do you get your news from? 

7. Read the following article and discuss its contents:

Text 4. London Courier

"With more and more Russians coming, LONDON COURIER is Britain's best selling Russian language newspaper... .–Daily Express

(1) London Courier is Britain's first Russian language newspaper. Since it was launched in 1994, it's been enjoying reputation of the most reliable source of information for the Russian speaking community in the UK (totaling over 500 000 people), as well as British people interested in Russian culture and way of life.

London Courier is published twice a month and apart from subscribers (4000 companies and individuals all over Britain), it is sold through over 300 newsagents. It is also provided free of charge at several Russian venues, travel agences, airlines, embassies and consulates. (2)Apart from the newspaper, the company also publishes quarterly a glossy magazine RussianUK (A4 size) devoted completely to the LIFE STYLE of the Russian community in the UK.