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3.6. Answer and discuss the questions below:

  1. Is it a typical conversation between two spouses? What makes you think so?

  2. What does the wife recommend her husband to do?

  3. Are her recommendations worth following?

  4. What would you advise those people who have decided to start to lead an active sporty life?

Section 4. Follow up activity

4.1. Formulate your own concept of health and work out your own Healthy Living Programme. Use pictures, scientific facts, quotations, etc. to sound more convincing. Quotations below may come in handy.

"A man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools." Spanish Proverb

"Water, air, and cleanliness are the chief articles in my pharmacopoeia."


"Attention to health is life's greatest hindrance." Plato

"The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly." Buddha

"It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver."

Mahatma Gandhi

4.2. What habits must be cultivated in children to help them preserve their health in adulthood? What is the role of school / parents in this respect? Make up a list of things you can do as a teacher to promote a healthy life- style among your pupils.

Unit 2 Sleep

Section 1. Warming-up

1.1. Sleep is something we can’t do without. Scientists have calculated that an average human spends 1/3 of his / her life sleeping, which equates to about 20 - 25 years over 75 year life span. Don’t you think that we sleep too much?

As we get older, we tend to need less sleep. Babies need 10 - 14 hours of sleep a night, children sleep 9 - 12 hours a night, adults 7 - 8 hours. How much do you usually sleep? How many hours of sleep do you need to feel completely refreshed in the morning?

1.2. Divide the expressions below into two columns. Column a should contain expressions which can be used to characterize good sleep, column b – bad sleep.

To sleep peacefully, not to sleep a wink, sleep deprivation, to sink into sleep easily, to sleep like a log / a baby, to have a poor night sleep, to lose sleep, restful sleep, sound sleep, to drift into sleep with a great difficulty, a lack of sleep, a disturbed sleep, to sleep lightly, to sleep fitfully, to snatch sleep, to sleep properly.



to sleep peacefully;






Use these expressions to describe your sleep.

Section 2. Listening

2.1. Study the lexical units from the recording.

Recording 1

to grind one's teeth – скрипеть зубами

to be a light sleeper – иметь поверхностный сон, который легко потревожить

to work efficiently – работать эффективно

Recording 2

to vary – варьироваться

restlessness – беспокойное состояние

to maintain ones peak form – поддерживать себя в наилучшей физической форме

survey – исследование

efficiency of sleep – результативность, зд. качество сна

restful – спокойный

bedding – постельные принадлежности

mild exercises – спокойные упражнения

competitive – конкурентный

to pursue – преследовать

2.2. Listen to the first recording and complete the table below.


Hours of sleep

Additional Information

Matthew / Canada

Lindsay / U.S.A.

Eoin / England

Lori / Canada

Amir / Iran

Aki / Japan

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