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Е. Карневская, З. Курочкина, Е. Мисуно, Ю. Стул...doc
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IV. Circle the suitable pronoun.

1. - Are there (some, any) French books in (yours, your) library?

- There are (not, no) French books but there are very (much, many, little) English books there.

2. It isn't (my, mine) bag. I've left (my, me, mine) at home.

3. Very (little, a few, few) people know about it.

V. Circle the appropriate word.

— Good evening, Mary. I'm glad to see you. Come in.

- Hallo, George! I (haven't seen; didn 't see) you for several weeks. You have been away from (home, house), (aren't you; haven't you)?

- I've been (in, at) Switzerland. I (had got; got) back yesterday. -1 hope you had a (good, well) holiday.

- Yes. (Shall, Will) I show you some of my photographs?

- Oh, do, please. I like looking (on, at) photographs.

Test 10

7. Use the correct tense-forms of the verbs in brackets.

1. Don't make so much noise! I (to study)!

2. Tom can't find his key. He's afraid he (to lose) it.

3. Nick usually (to get up) early, at 7. Yesterday it (to be) Sunday and he (to get up) a little later, at 8.

4. When I (to leave) the house yesterday morning, it (to rain) hard, the people (to carry) umbrellas.

5. If you (to come) at 5 o'clock you (to see) an interesting programme on TV. Besides we (to listen) to good music.

6. You (to see) Helen today? - No, I (to see) her 2 days ago last.

11. Choose the right article.

1. There are some vases in ... cupboard. ... vases look beautiful.

2. Mrs. Evans is ... middle-aged woman. She is ... Jane's aunt.

3. Peter's gone to the shop to buy ... piece of... cheese and ... bottle of ... milk.

4. Where is ... juice? - I've put it into ... fridge.

III. Circle the suitable preposition.

1. Would you like some coffee (to, by, for) breakfast?

2. Take the book (out of, from, off) the shelf and give it (for, to) me.

3. We went (to, in, at) Moscow (on, with, by) train.

4. My little son is afraid (by, with, of) dogs.

5. I'll see you tomorrow (in, on, at) 8.

6. Our studies begin (at, on, in) September.

7. I'm (on, at, in) a hurry. John is waiting (to, at, for) me (in, at) the Institute.

IV. Circle the suitable pronoun.

1.1 haven't got (many, not, much) time today.

2. Has (somebody, anybody) seen Paul today?

3. Speak a bit louder, I don't hear (nothing, something, anything).

4.1 haven't made (no, any, not) mistakes in (my, me, mine) dictation.

5. My hands are warm but (yours, your) are very cold .

V. Circle the appropriate word.

When I woke (in, at) the morning, I felt hungrier (then, than, when) I had ever felt in my life before. It seemed I had a (hole, whole) instead of a stomach. I (dressed, put on, wore) (quick, quickly) and hurried down to the (diningroom, bedroom). It was a big room with six tall windows and the (ugly, uglier, ugliest) wallpaper I had ever seen. However I had been told that they cooked meals there much better than in any (other, another) hotel in London, and that was what I wanted just (then, than).

Test 11

I. Use the correct tense-forms of the verbs in brackets.

1. John never (to go) to bed before 11 o'clock.

2. It is 12 o'clock, so I (to go) to bed now.

3.1 will tell you the details when we (to meet) again. 4.1 gave her the flowers that I (to buy) for her.

5. The tickets (to sell) and (to collect) by the chief ticket-collector.

6. When you (to meet) him last?

//. Choose the right article.

Do you know the story about the man who was having... breakfast in ... English hotel? He took... drink from his cup and then said to... waiter, " ... Wai-ter, is this ... tea or... coffee?".... Waiter said, "Can't you tell ... difference, sir, by ... taste?" "No", ... man said, "I can't". "Well", answered ... waiter, "then what does it matter which it is?"

///. Circle the suitable preposition.

1. Never ask (about, for, of) money you have not earned.

2.1 was (in, at, for) need of 5 dollars.

3.1 had been looking (after, about, for) my dog everywhere but couldn't find it.

4. Take (away, off, of) your jacket! It is hot here.

5. There was nobody to take care (about, off, of) the old man.