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Everybody wants to be successful. Who is a successful person? It is somebody who can make own dreams come truth as to me. There are a lot of symbols of success: exotic holidays, influential friends, luxury home and cars, designer clothes, etc. A successful person always has a very good vision and ideas about his business in the future. They know how to make a profit and to earn a lot of money.

So, what must we do to be a successful person? First of all we are to be hard-working; we must be dedicating to our job, to have strong discipline. It is very good if you have charisma and you are lucky man. But I’m sure: if you want to achieve great goals you must have a good work team or business partner. As an example of a really successful person I can name Steve Jobs. He wasn’t born in rich family, but he became a billionaire!

Why? First of all he had a plan (to launch series of PC Apple I and Apple II) and a good partner - Steve Wozniak. They worked hardly and believed in success. Jobs also had one talent - he had a special vision of market, so, he knew how, when and what to do.

All right. But what about a successful company? Successful companies are always people-oriented. They invite the best specialists to their companies; allow the top performers different perks such as cars and cruises. We call those “brands”. For example, AIG. Of course, the most important features of successful company are a very good management team and building up close relationships with necessary people.

I hope the subject I’ve already spoken about will help anybody to become a successful person!

Job satisfaction

Job satisfaction is very important part of each type of work. There are some things which make people happy with their jobs, motivate them, give them power and excitement to continue the work. And some people are less or more satisfied with their jobs. What are the key factors that make people happy with their jobs? Bonuses, bigger salary, good colleagues, childcare, working for a successful company, perks or fringe benefits, etc. Of course, employees and their managers have things that frustrate them - for example, threat of redundancy or hard-working boss…

How can workers and their managers create the suitable for good working atmosphere? Firstly, top managers can use the system of perks or fringe benefits. For example, American company Net2000 Communications puts their top performers behind the wheel of luxury cars or maybe to organize Caribbean cruises for staff just like Austrian company MicroStrategy. But sometimes it’s not effective method to make workers happy - so, managers must not add new perks just because they seem like hot trends - it’s not profitable for the company. Moreover, such perks pampers employee. Then what to do?

Wise managers try to create a unique corporate culture on the workplaces, to set up common values like honesty, efficiency, aggressiveness, respect, teamwork, common sense and fun, etc. Such values let employees feel themselves at home during the work time. Then people will never leave the company because they are happy with their life. It is very vast plus to the company because if all staff is happy then the business becomes more beneficial, job efficiency is improving, and profit is rising.

So, as we see, job satisfaction is one of the key factors of success of the company and employee!


Companies have to face different risks. There are several types of risks. The first is the risk of simply doing nothing. If you want your company to be successful you are to work, to be on the first places in the business competition. In this way managers can face other problems such as operational risks (supply chain failure), and other unobvious hazards. There is one more manager’s problem: strategy risk; this definition include some threats just like increased competition, changes in customer demand and reduced productivity. I think we can add financial risk (credit or guarantee risk, cash flows) to strategy one too, because its manager’s due to choose the strategy of firm’s development and to estimate their costs.

Of course there is also political risk and the risk of other disruption happening to a business. So, you need to know what’s on the government’s current agenda and if it changes how will it affect your business?

The fourth risk - when company is being caught up in some sort of catastrophe or other disruption, such as fraud or criminal damage that causes interruption to trading.

Companies need to manage risks such as organized crime, terrorism, internal fraud, to assess the potential hazards than can impact top revenue sources and make sure your business is going in the right plan. If you have this information, it gives you power and chance of managing risk. And of course you need to have a reliable management team to solve these problems.

Company that do attempt to manage the all these risks will be a leader in own business area.

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