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3. Find the missing word.

  1. The Wildlife Conservation Society “saves wildlife and wild lands careful science, international conservation, education, and management.

  1. The WWF works to preserve nature and creatures.

  1. Earth First! have a website, bureaucracy and members.

  1. Greenpeace has over 2.5 million members.

  1. National Wildlife Federation founded by a cartoonist Jay “Ding” Darling.

  1. Animals were dying, people suffered infections they swam, and vast swaths of the Bay were essentially dead.

  1. FSC respects the right of indigenous peoples the world.

  1. The Nature Conservancy works the science-based approach.

  1. The relatively new Rainforest Action Network (RAN) is lauded by various media organizations as incredibly savvy.

  1. FOE has stopped over 150 dams from built.

  1. IPCC concluded human activity is fueling global warming.

  1. Earth Liberation Front activists also call Elves.

  1. The National Wildlife Federation is dedicated preserving animals.

  1. 1% is helping corporate interests green their bottom lines giving back to environmental causes.

15. Our mission is to provide business leadership as a catalyst for change sustainable development.

4. Check up your comprehension and answer the questions.

1. What environmental organizations, agencies and movements do you know?

2. What environmental organizations are focused on protecting marine life?

3. Are there any environmental organizations that don’t have officially registered members?

4. What environmental movement is known for often breaking the law?

5. Where were Heal the Bay and Surfrider organizations based?

6. What is the name of the fund which has the most recognizable logotype?

7. When did one of the oldest environmental organization appear?

8. What event did the Greenpeace history start with?

9. How many business environmental organizations do you know?

10. What’s the mission of 1% for the Planet action?

11. Is John Audubon the founder of the National Audubon Society?

12. What society is more than 120 years old?

13. What organization boasts of healthy people, animals, plants, land, water and air?

14. What institute provides more than 100 countries with science-based environmental information?

15. What association has been founded for environmental professionals?

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