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Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

The neutral IPCC’s recent conclusion that human activity is fueling global warming was both expected and stunning. Any last vestiges of naysaying and doubt were effectively negated in the panel’s deliberation which involved hundreds of leading scientists and analysis of thousands of papers. The IPCC is an independent non-governmental international group of leading respected scientists and, according to the official website: “The IPCC was established to provide the decision-makers and others interested in climate change with an objective source of information about climate change. The IPCC does not conduct any research nor does it monitor climate related data or parameters. Its role is to assess on a comprehensive, objective, open and transparent basis the latest scientific, technical and socio-economic literature produced worldwide relevant to the understanding of the risk of human-induced climate change, its observed and projected impacts and options for adaptation and mitigation.”

United States Environmental Protection Agency

The Environmental Protection Agency has come under close scrutiny numerous times; the agency is often overriden or completely ignored by the current White House administration. For example, recent reports confirming global warming as a human-caused phenomenon were met with the announcement that the White House would simply not open the EPA’s emails containing that information. The EPA has, of late, not supported environmentalists’ concerns about such issues as plastic safety (e.g. with phthalates), water purity, animal cloning and genetic modification, and other issues, leading many to believe the EPA is controlled by special interests.

Earth Liberation Front

Famously activist, the ELF (or Elves) organization is an anonymous, independent and mysterious environmentalist group promoting civil disobedience and economic sabotage. Numerous cases of arson, SUV bombing, and other “extreme” actions have earned the ELF environmentalists a militant reputation. They maintain no office or press contacts and many environmentalists have been keen to distance themselves from the Elf. Some key quotes from one of the de facto leaders:

“There are over six billion people on this planet of which almost a third are either staving, or living in poverty. Building homes for the wealthy should not even be a priority. Forests, farms and wetlands are being replaced with a sea of houses, green chemical lawns, blacktop, and roadkill. Farmland is being bought out by land developers because of their inability to compete with cheap corporate, genetically-engineered, pesticide saturated food. The time has come to decide what is more important: the planet and the health of its population or the profits of those who destroy it.”

Wildlife Conservation Society

Devoted to saving wildlife, the Wildlife Conservation Society is unique in that it runs a large system of urban parks. The official statement reads: the Wildlife Conservation Society “saves wildlife and wild lands through careful science, international conservation, education, and the management of the world’s largest system of urban wildlife parks”. The mission of the organization is to connect humans with wildlife in the hopes that interaction will inspire preservation of endangered species.

Association of Environmental Professionals

A must for anyone working in green, the Association of Environmental Professionals is the leading industry organization for environmental professionals. The non-profit aims to connect those working in green collar jobs, environmental technology and media and other sectors in order to foster improved skills, share resources and build relationships.

National Geographic Society

Celebrating its 120th year, the iconic and beloved National Geographic Society is one of the largest, most well-funded and most prominent environmental organizations. Focusing on science-based research and general interest as well as conservation efforts, Nat Geo is decidedly environmentalist without that being the overt thrust of the organization, choosing instead to celebrate amazing wonders of the earth and its creatures. Its mission: “Since 1888, we’ve traveled the Earth, sharing its amazing stories with each new generation. National Geographic’s Mission Programs support critical expeditions and scientific fieldwork, encourage geography education for students, promote natural and cultural conservation, and inspire audiences…”

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