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V2: Причастие I и II в роли определения

S: Назовите предложение, где причастие I является определением.

-: He is operating the patient now.

-: He is afraid of operating patients.

-: Operating patients the doctor must be very careful.

+: The operating doctor is my father.

S: Назовите предложение, где –ed является определением.

-: The surgeon described a new a method of treatment.

-: The surgeon performed the operation successfully.

+: The operation performed by the surgeon was successful.

-: A new method of treatment was described in the report.

S: This disease is not common in развитых странах.

-: developing countries

-: develop countries

-: countries which were developed

+: developed countries

S: Предложение, в котором -ed является определением…

-: The students translated the article into Russian.

-: The article was translated into many languages.

+: The article translated by the students was very interesting.

-: The article has been translated several times

V2: Согласование времен

S: I did not know that he … English.

+: spoke

-: speaks

-: speak

-: speaked

S: The doctor stated that больной перенёс пневмонию.

-: the patient had

-: the patient has had

+: the patient had had

-: the patient had have

S: Единственно правильно составленным предложением является …

-: We knew that he is a doctor.

-: We knew that he will be a doctor.

+: We knew that he was a doctor.

-: We knew that he must be a doctor.

V2: Союзы и предлоги

S: Его нет ни на работе, ни дома.

-: He is not at work and at home.

+: He is neither at work nor at home.

-: He is not neither at work nor at home.

-: He is not both at work and at home.

S: The patient was in such a bad condition that he could not … eat … drink.

-: both … and

-: neither … nor

-: and … and

+: either … or

S: Предложение в котором for является союзом…

-: This electronic system can be used for diagnostic purposes.

+: Heart sounds have been reducing for the last two weeks.

-: The diagnosis of lobular pneumonia was made for the x-ray examination revealed shadow in

the left lung.

-: Exercises increase the capacity for physical performance.

S: Предложение, где since является предлогом…

-: 50 years have passed since the initial description has been published.

+: Since these qualities were difficult to get by other methods gel chromatography came into use.

-: He got mush experience since he began to work in this department.

-: Since then a number of other substances has been isolated.

S: Предложение, где союз if переводится частицей “ли”…

-: You should use roentgenograms if you want to illustrate a case.

-: If dangerous heart condition was detected it could prevent a fatal cardiac attack.

+: Generally mothers determine if the child is ill or not.

-: The reaction will change if we change the temperature.

V2: Неопределенно-личные местоимения и их производные

S: I don’t have … article on this subject.

+: any

-: no

-: some

-: every

S: Do you have anything for headache?

-: No, I have something.

-: No, I have anything

+: No, I have nothing.

-: No, I have any

S: Всем известно that blood becomes oxygenated in the lungs.

-: Anybody knows

+ Everybody knows

-: Nobody knows

-: Somebody knows

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