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5. Steer Clear of Cliché Veneer

Nothing serves to sap enthusiasm from an eager young audience quite like a torrent of mind-numbingly overused presentation clichés.

Clipart, stock photos and worn-out phrases (“Let’s give it 110%!”) will only serve to set you up as another uninspired, unoriginal speaker with little new to say.

So, remember that the brain pays attention to the unexpected, and use unique and surprising methods to captivate your listeners.

If nothing else, they’ll appreciate your originality.

For our Top Ten list of clichés to avoid, please click here. http://www.presentationmagazine.com/presentation-success-the-top-ten-cliches-to-avoid-7062.htm

6. Record Yourself

In this day and age, it’s so cheap and easy to video yourself presenting that there’s really no excuse not to. And just consider the advantages!

First and foremost, you’ll be able to use the recording for constructive self-analysis. By scrutinising your own body language, speaking tone and volume, you can address any of your weaker points and counteract them next time round. If you also record your audience during the presentation, you can judge their interest levels throughout. If there appears to be a lot of uncomfortable shifting and watch-checking at a certain point, it’s safe to say that the subject matter or execution of that section was far from thrilling.

And why not post your videos online for the world to see? There really is no better way to spread your message, and the feedback comments provided by your viewers will prove absolutely invaluable.

7. Pick a Theme Song

No, this isn’t a joke.

If you’ve done your homework, you will have acquired, in advance, a good understanding of the general personalities you’ll be presenting to. By playing a song you’re sure they’ll approve of while they make themselves comfortable in the projection room, you’ll create an immediate rapport with your audience, and set the tone for the presentation to come.

You’d do well to choose your theme song carefully, though; the last thing you want to do is offend somebody from the offset. Musical themes to avoid include death, failure, violence and chauvinism.

8. Visual Aids

One of the best ways to capture your listeners’ interest is through the use of original, thought-invoking visual aids. Depending on your audience, humour here can prove useful. But effective humour requires supreme self-confidence; if you’re even slightly unsure of yourself, it’s safer to go with intelligent, self-explanatory illustrations. If you wish to symbolise your company’s unwavering performance in a difficult economic climate, for example, try using a journey-bound vehicle as a symbol of the corporation. A vessel at sea, for instance, could prove most emotive; the mast, sail, starboard and stern could represent your corporation’s separate departments, and the flailing waves could signify the merciless economy itself.

Do remember, though, that each time you change slides, you should allow yourself to remain silent for a few seconds. Your audience’s eyes will always dominate their ears, so the brief quiet will enable them to soak up the contents of your slide before you proceed with your oral elaboration.

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