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Гуменюк, Н.Г. Методичні вказівки до виконання п...doc
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Variant 4.

a) An extract from the novel “Barren Ground” by Ellen Glasgow

…… And he was not only an admirable young man, he was, what admirable young men frequently are not, attractive as well. His dark red hair, burnished to a copper glow, grew in a natural wave; his sparkling eyes were brown-black like chinkapins in the autumn; his skin was tanned and slightly freckled, with a healthy glow under the surface; his short moustache, a shade lighter than his hair, lent mystery to a charming, if serious, mouth, and his smile, indiscriminating in its friendliness, was wholly delightful. To Dorinda, meeting him in the early morning as she was walking the two miles from Old Farm to the store, it was as if an April flush had passed over the waste places. She recognized love with the infallible certainty of intuition. It was happiness, and yet in some strange way it was shot through with a burning sensation which was less pleasure than pain. Though her perceptions were more vivid than they had ever been, there was an unreality about her surroundings, as if she were walking in some delicious trance. Beautiful as it was, it seemed to be vanishing, like a beam of light, in the very moment when she felt it flooding her heart. Yet this sense of unreality, of elusiveness, made it more precious. Watching the empty roads, through the veil of snow, she asked herself every minute, "Will he come this way again? Shall I wait for him, or shall I let him pass me in the road? Suppose he goes back another way! Suppose he has forgotten----"… (page 31)

b) Text „Дрібний дощик”.

Дрібний дощик.

Дрібний Дощику! Чому ти такий дурнень-кий?

Три дні й три ночі ти усе ллєш та ллєш на дахи, а вони лише блищать, посміхаючись, і зовсім не розмокають.

Прохолодний Дощику! Навіщо ти все кропиш та й кропиш річку, води там багато, а купатися під дощиком холодно.

Набридливий Дощику! Ось я візьму, піднімусь на хмару і знайду те велике сито, крізь яке ти сієшся. Я закрию в ньому маленькими хмаринками непотрібні дірочки й залишу тільки потрібні.

А ще я зроблю в хмарі віконце — для Сонечка й перекину над Землею барвисту Веселку.

І коли побачу, як додому з роботи Матуся йде,— крикну Сонечку:

— Посміхнися всіма промінцями. Бачиш,он моя Матуся йде!

Крикну тобі, дурненький Дощику:

— Сійся, лийся на лани, на зелені килими — хай Матуся радіє, а на доріжку, якою вона йде, — не треба!

Скажу Веселці:

— Сяй — переливайся всіма своїми барвами. Он моя Матуся йде!

А потім стрибну з Хмари на Веселку і покочуся вниз прямо на доріжку:

— Добрий вечір, Матусю!

Ю. Ярмиш.

Task 3.

1. Point out the features of:

a) the scientific style;

b) the official style;

c) the colloquial style;

d) the newspaper style;

e) the belle–letter style;

f) the publicistic style;

g) the confession style.

2. Explain, what the problem of functional styles differentiation is concerned with. Point out the different systems of functional styles classification.

3. Try to differentiate the functional style of the following texts.