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Post-reading tasks

  1. Answer the questions: a) How does the country solve the problem of insufficiency in some natural resources? b) What natural resources are in quantities sufficient for exporting? c) What is “chornozem”? d) What is the role of agriculture in the economy of Ukraine? e) Which cities play an important role in the industrial development of Ukraine?

  2. Define: globe, “chornozem”, deposits, supply (n), import (v), export (v), raw materials, power industry, arable lands, hectar, potential.

  3. Find the synonyms to the following words in the text: farming, district, fruitful, plenty of, consist of, layer, part.

English for survival Customs. Passport control

Vocabulary and useful expressions

Customs house – митниця

Customs control – митний контроль

To pass customs control – пройти митний контроль

Declaration – декларація

To fill in a declaration form – заповнити декларацію

Immigration form – імміграційна карта

To fill in an immigration form – заповнювати імміграційну карту

Customs officer – митник

Customs rules and regulations – митні правила та норми

Duty – мито, митний податок

Duty-free – вільний від митного податку

Liable to duty – то, що підпадає під митне оподаткування

Spot check – вибірковий контроль

Explosives – вибухові матеріали

Drugs – наркотичні речовини

Prohibited items - заборонені предмети

Сustoms inspection – митний огляд

Have you got anything to declare? – Чи маєте Ви щось, що потрібно задекларувати?

Can I see your passport? – Чи можу я поглянути на Ваш паспорт?

What’s the purpose of your visit? – Яка ціль Вашого візиту у нашу країну?

What’s the nature of your visit? – Яка ціль Вашого візиту у нашу країну?

How long are you going to stay? – Як довго Ви будете перебувати в нашій країні?

Where will you stay? – Де Ви зупинитесь?

How much alcohol do you have? – Скільки алкогольних виробів Ви маєте про собі?

Would you mind opening this bag, please? – Чи не будете Ви проти відкрити Вашу сумку?

Situation 1. Read the following conversations between the immigration officer and a traveler and translate them into Ukrainian.


Immigration officer:

Good evening. Where have you come from?

Paul Ryefield:

Bucharest, Romania.

Immigration officer:

May I have your passport and form I-94, please?

Paul Ryefield:

Here you are.

Immigration officer:

What´s the nature of your visit? Business or pleasure?

Paul Ryefield:

Pleasure. I´m going to visit football matches in Lviv and Donetsk.

Immigration officer:

How long are you going to stay in Ukraine?

Paul Ryefield:

Three weeks.

Immigration officer:

What is your occupation?

Paul Ryefield:

I work as an accountant for a Romanian telecommunications company.

Immigration officer:

Do you have a return ticket?

Paul Ryefield:

Yes, here it is.

Immigration officer:

That´s fine. Thanks. Enjoy your trip.

Paul Ryefield:

Thank you.


Immigration officer:

May I see your passport please?


Here you are.

Immigration officer:

What is the purpose of your visit?


I'm on business.

Immigration officer:

How long will you be staying?


Fifteen days.

Immigration officer:

Thank you very much. Enjoy your stay.


Customs officer :

Can I see your passport?


Certainly, here it is.

Customs officer :

Have you anything to declare?



Customs officer :

What’s the purpose of your visit?


I’m attending a conference in London.

Customs officer :

Well, would you mind opening this bag, please.


There you are.

Customs officer :

Thank you. Right. That’s all. You can go through now.


Thank you.

Situation 2. Read the following conversations at the passport control and translate word combinations and phrases in Ukrainian into English.


Passenger 1

Have you filled in іміграційна карта?

Passenger 2

Yes. Have you?

Passenger 1

I don’t need to. It’s only for non-British citizens.

Passenger 2

Oh, yes, of course. Is this the way?

Passenger 1

No, I go through here – «British Passport», you see. I’m afraid тимаєш проходити по цьому коридору. It says «Commonwealth and EEC Passports».

Passenger 2

All right. See you outside the baggage claim area.


Passenger 1

Helen, the passport control officer will ask you for your passport. Покажіть, будь ласка, Ваш паспорт.

Passenger 2

Oh, yes, here it is. I believe he will ask us where we are going to.

Passenger 1

That’s right. До того ж, він поцікавиться, how long you are going to stay here.

Passenger 2

Я зобов’язаний відповідати на всі його запитання. Is that so?

Passenger 1

Немає жодного сумніву. You will have to tell the passport control officer about the purpose of your visit.

Passenger 2

Що ще потрібно знати?

Passenger 1

Nothing else. They are usually дуже привітні.

Passenger 2

Will he ask me about the visa I have?

Passenger 1

Sure, he can. He’ll be interested to know if you have туристична віза, or a multiple entry and exit visa or an exchange one.

Passenger 2

Але у мене іміграційна віза. It has been recently granted to me. Я не збираюсь продовжувати термін її дії.

Passenger 1

O.K. Don’t be nervous. Everything will be fine.

Passenger 2

Is that all?

Passenger 1


No, після паспортного контролю you’ll go through the customs control at the customs area.


Customs officer :

Do you have anything що ви маєте задекларувати, sir?


Just some wine and cigarettes.

Customs officer :

Скільки вина do you have?


Чотири пляшки.

Customs officer :

That's fine, and how many cigarettes?


Я маю 20 пачок.

Customs officer :

I'm afraid Вам дозволено перевозити тільки 280 сигарет. You'll have to pay duty on the rest.


Oh! Скільки я маю сплатити?

Customs officer

It's £12.00 plus V.A.T. A total of £14.10.


Ось, будь ласка.

Situation 3. Using the following phrases, make a dialogue “Passing a passport control”.

Person 1:

Passport control officer:

Can I see your passport?

What’s the purpose of your visit?

How long are you going to stay?

Where will you stay?

Person 2:

Customs officer:

Have you anything to declare?

How much alcohol do you have?

Would you mind opening this bag, please?

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