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Prepositions in the English Sentences [Дзядик Ю....doc
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Exercise 2. Fill in the gap(s).

  1. Try reasoning _____ a child; see how far you get.

  2. Human rights victims find it hard to find refuge _____ their oppressors.

  3. Live birth are registered _____ the National Census and Statistics Office.

  4. Their quest _____ the hidden treasure brought them to those caves.

  5. Her paper was a reaction _____ the announcement on price increases.

  6. Ousted dictators should face prosecution ______ crimes against humanity.

  7. Alfred received punishment _____ aiding and abetting an act of sedition.

  8. Seven of our boxers qualified _____ the semis, but only two made it to the finals.

  9. The man was prohibited _____ speaking out on the case by a gag order from the court.

  10. Their Chair has a propensity _____ hogging the discussion at every meeting.

Activity four.

Exercise 1. Choose the right preposition(s).

  1. The scientist apologized (to, for, about) the nation for sharing secrets with its neighbors.

  2. Adam applied (to, for, at) the position of translator at Alliance Francaise.

  3. A majority of the students do not approve (off, of, to) the new curriculum, but they were not consulted.

  4. The content of some adverts and television commercials are an attack (at, on, onto) our values.

  5. No one was attending (for, to, at) the guests; everyone was out watching parade.

  6. Unless properly guided, most children will develop an aversion (to, onto, at) numbers.

  7. You can trust that officer; he is not one to back (down on, down at, down with) his word.

  8. When I read the onerous conditions in fine print, I had no choice but to back (out, off, out of) the agreement.

  9. She promised to back him (up, on, with) if he aired her complaints in the newspaper.

  10. The Olympic track medalist was banned (off, from, out of) the sport after failing a drug test.

Exercise 2. Fill in the gap(s).

  1. She had to overcome a propensity _____ bargain-shopping sprees.

  2. Children refuse to part _____ some toys, no matter how battered these are.

  3. Students who participate _____ the parade will be excused from classes next week.

  4. He was operated _____ immediately upon diagnosis to avoid complications.

  5. The Ombudsman is mulling _____ the idea of filing of a case against the commissioners.

  6. Listening _____ _____ other people’s conversations is impolite.

  7. Look _____ _____ typographical errors that the proofreader might have missed.

  8. The team captain tried to keep the rift among his players _____ the team manager.

  9. Every dollar we invest _____ the education of a child is an investment in the future of a country.

  10. I am interested _____ applying for the position advertised in newspapers.

Activity five.

Exercise 1. Choose the right preposition(s).

  1. The senator’s name is being bandied (off, above, about) as the running mate of the incumbent.

  2. Congress is scrimping on education and health while beefing (at, up, through) the armed forces.

  3. The man feels he does not belong (at, in, over) this city; he is returning to his people.

  4. The mayor is bent (out, on, in) running for president even if he does not get his party’s endorsement.

  5. After all is said and done, the question boils (down with, down to, down on) a matter of national identity.

  6. Flights bound (to, for, in) Dubai were suspended because of a bomb threat which turned out to be a false alarm.

  7. The thieves broke (at, into, in) the office with help of a master key.

  8. She is looking for a way to break (out of, off from, down on) her routine.

  9. The first case of SARS was discovered in China, but the rest of the world did not learn about it until the disease had broken (in, into, out) in other parts of Asia.

  10. Many refugees risk breaking (to, through, up) an electrified wire fence daily to cross the border to safer ground.