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Prepositions in the English Sentences [Дзядик Ю....doc
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Exercise 2. Fill in the gap(s).

  1. The party is beefing _____ its campaign funds _____ contributions from the beer and tobacco lobbies and from gambling and drug syndicates.

  2. Your horse does not belong _____ this class.

  3. The young couple was bent _____ getting married in spite of their parents’ objections.

  4. Despite threats of suspension, the whistle-blower stood her ground and refused to back _____.

  5. The city bully would not back _____ .

  6. Are you sure media groups will back _____ your campaign against tabloid pornography?

  7. Members of that fraternity are banned _____ participating in school elections.

  8. The influence peddler takes every opportunity to bandy his connections _____.

  9. The public was barking _____ the wrong tree when it demanded the manager’s resignation; it is his assistant that they should have blamed for the error.

  10. You are given one week to think over the terms of the contract and back ______ if you wish.

Activity thirteen.

Exercise 1. Choose the right preposition(s).

  1. He admitted he had not registered his company’s receipts (at, with, through) the BIR.

  2. Reasonable people know how to rein (to, in, off) their emotions when they have to.

  3. Their art and literature classes gave free rein (of, to, up to) the students’ imagination.

  4. They resorted (at, with, to) knocking on doors to get their neighbors involved.

  5. Some people fear that computerized voting will result (in, at, off) a failure of elections.

  6. Perfectionists never seem to be satisfied (at, on, with) their work.

  7. How can you save (in, on, at) bus fare with all the trip-cutting going on?

  8. The issue of vote-buying is separate (of, off, from) that of automated voting.

  9. Have your friends shared this information (to, with, under) the authorities?

  10. These tapes will shed some light (into, on, onto) the mystery.

Exercise 2. Fill in the gap(s).

  1. The attack _____ Iraq was condemned by many countries, and even by Americans, as well.

  2. Only those who attended ninety percent of the sessions will get a certificate _____ participation.

  3. One does not have to be an authority _____ traffic management to know that this is not the place for a pedestrian overpass.

  4. Most of the students surveyed were averse _____ any revision of the General Education Program; they said they preferred the present curriculum.

  5. There is very little awareness _____ the ordinary citizens of the effect of our foreign debt on their personal lives.

  6. The speaker did not apologize _____ the audience _____ arriving late.

  7. All those who applied _____ the bank’s branches will get their ATM cards later.

  8. Thinh will apply ______ a fellowship after he graduates.

  9. Do not apply this ointment ______ an open wound.

  10. Helen received a three-week paid vacation to Bangkok in appreciation _____ her long years of efficient service to the company.

Activity fourteen.

Exercise 1. Choose the right preposition(s).

  1. They do not sound (at, out, in) school opinion when introducing program changes.

  2. Be sure to sound (of, off, away) as soon as you notice something wrong.

  3. Even as a child, she was not afraid to stand (up with, up to, away with) bullies.

  4. If you refuse to stand (up for, away with, up with) your rights, don’t run to us for help.

  5. The mayor refused to step (down from, out of, away with) office even after his disqualification.

  6. They were called upon to straighten (up, out, off) the confusion in the office.

  7. After much thought, he decided to straighten (off, up, in) and go back to school.

  8. Expect problems at work and at home to stress you (in, out, off).

  9. Green Peace was asked to submit a draft bill (at, to, for) Congress.

  10. Her assistant can substitute (of, for, at) her at the meeting.