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  1. Reproduce the situations in which the following words and word combinations occur in the story:

  2. to be a … fiend

  3. in the first

  4. to annoy smb

  5. by ( any ) chance

  6. to feel lonesome and rotten

  7. all of a sudden

  8. to abuse smth ( hospitality )

  9. to feel like doing smth

  10. To hang around

  11. to give smb a handshake

  12. to change one’s mind

  13. to take smth easy

  14. to be given the ax

  15. to take a room in the a hotel

  16. to lit a cigarette

  17. to be a rapid packer

  18. to be sore

  19. to take a last look (down smth)

  20. to break one’s neck

  1. To sum up what you have learned about Ackley and Stradlater and express your own opinion.

  1. Translate into English:

    1. Вдруг я почувствовал себя одиноко.

    2. Во-первых, я быстро собираю свои вещи.

    3. Я могу позволить себе снять номер в какой-нибудь очень недорогой гостинице.

    4. Мне не хотелось торчать там без дела. Я пожал руку, бросил последний взгляд на его сестру, она выглядела ужасно одинокой. Я передумал и решил остаться.

Chapter 8.

  1. Describe Holden’s trip to New York using the following words and word combinations:

  2. to give smb one’s whole life history

  3. to adapt oneself (very well) to things

  4. to be a good mixer ( with other people)

  5. to be insane

  6. to give smb a light

  7. to have a lot of charm

  8. to quite a lot of sex appeal

  9. to be the unanimous choice

  10. to be elected, to elect

  11. to nominate smb

  12. to get over smth

  13. matinee

  14. for all the dough in the world

  15. Explain the statement:

Mothers are all slightly insane.

  1. Why did Holden tell lies to Mrs. Morrow?

What was Holden’s attitude to his own mother?

  1. Translate into English:

    1. Она общительная и очаровательная женщина.

    2. Я бы ни за какие деньги не приспособился к ней. Она вечно сует свой нос не в свои дела.

    3. Том дал Саре закурить и начал вешать лапшу на уши.

    4. Холден чувствовал себя одиноким и не знал, сможет ли пережить свою неудачу.

  2. Find the extract beginning with ”It was too late to call up for a cab” and ending at “Everybody was in the sack”. Comment on it and learn it by heart.

Chapter 9.

  1. Answer the following questions:

  1. What was Holden’s first desire when he got off at Penn Station?

  2. Why did Holden ask the taxi-driver about the ducks in the lagoon right near Central Park South?

  3. What was Holden’s attitude to the girls?

  1. Reproduce the situations in which the words and word combinations occur:

  2. to give smb a buzz

  3. to trim the Christmas tree

  4. to be absent-minded

  5. by any chance

  6. to be in the habit of doing smth

  7. to make engagements ( in the middle of the night)

  8. to lay all night without a wink of sleep

  9. to pick up the phone

  10. to hang up

  11. Find the extract beginning with ”They gave me this very crumby room” and ending at “I swear to God”. Translate it and comment on it.

  12. Find the extract beginning with ”I’m so damn absent-minded” and ending at “I want to go back downtown”. Comment on it and learn it by heart.

Chapter 10-11.

  1. Reproduce the situations in which the words and word combinations occur:

  2. to feel like doing smth

  3. to be up

  4. to be the only dump one in the family

  5. to know smth by heart

  6. to be very emotional for a child

  7. to be on orphan

  8. I swear to god

  9. to talk to smb on the phone

  10. to be smb’s age

  11. to be around thirty or so

  12. to be under twenty-one

  13. to give smb the old eye

  14. to give smb very cold stare

  15. to have some verification of one’s age

  16. in person

  17. to do smb a big favour

  18. to be about half in love with smb

  19. to drive smb crazy

  20. to be too ignorant

  21. in the first place

  22. to knock smb out

  1. Write down the words and word-combinations characterizing Phoebe, Jane and girls from the Lavender Room.

  1. Find the extract beginning with ”I started giving the three witched at the next table the eye again” and ending at “I really felt like dancing”. Translate it and comment on it.

  1. Find the extract beginning with “She has this sort of red hair “ and ending at “she knows it’s a pretty good movie”. Comment on it and learn it by heart. (chapter10)

  1. Find the extract beginning with ”She was a funny girl, old Jane” and ending at “She was interested in that kind of stuff”. Translate it and comment on it.

  1. Write and express the situations with the expressions with the verb “to get” from the chapters 10-11.