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  1. Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты английских слов и словосочетаний:

1. consumer

  1. supply and demand

  2. point

  3. to improve technology

  4. capability

  5. item of product

  6. to set prices

  7. to balance

  8. market clearing price

  9. to afford to buy

  10. to purchase

  11. to supply (goods)

  12. to provide (services)

  1. устанавливать цену

  2. материальная возможность

  3. рыночная равновесная цена

  4. вид товара, товар (наименование в ассорт.)

  5. уравновесить, сбалансировать

  6. позволить себе купить

  7. закупать, покупать, приобретать

  8. оказывать (услуги), обеспечивать

  9. предложение и спрос

  10. момент, вопрос, понятие

  11. потребитель

  12. поставлять (товары), снабжать

  13. совершенствовать технологии

  1. Прочитайте текст и переведите его на русский язык в письменной форме

  1. Найдите соответствующие ответы на вопросы и напишите их в той последовательности, в которой вопросы поставлены.


1. Why must most people spend their money carefully?

2. What is called capability?

3. What do consumers want to pay less for?

4. How do businesses try to balance the quantity of goods which they provide with the quantity which consumers will demand?

5. What is called the market clearing price?


а) the optimal price which regulates supply and demand.

b) the ability to buy in economics.

c) they want to pay less for additional identical items.

d) they regulate their production and set their prices.

f) most of people have limited incomes.

V. Закончите предложение, выбрав соответствующий вариант окончания:

  1. The more items one consumer has…

  2. As the price of a particular product falls…

  3. When supply and demand are balanced…

  1. consumers will purchase all the goods supplied by producers.

  2. more people can and will buy it.

  3. the less useful they become.

  4. less people can afford to buy it.

Контрольная работа №2 Вариант 5

  1. Переведите на русский язык интернационализмы, встречающиеся в тексте “How does economy develop?”: Economy, economic, system, cycle, element, business, peak, sort, service, period, activity, result, firm, characterize.

How does economy develop?

  1. If we try to draw а picture of the total economy as it changes over time we shall hаvе the following:

These ups and downs representing "the life" of an economic system are called the business cycle. Еасh of them is а phase in the сусlе characterized bу its own peculiarities.

  1. Peak times. During peak time economy is doing very well. Реорlе are working hard and are getting' high wages. Goods are being delivered to the stores оn time and in sufficient quantities and consumers are spending their money buying аll sorts of things. Firms are making profit, banks are giving loans to реорlе, реорlе are setting uр small businesses and services are being provided everywhere and at low prices.

  2. Recession. But, as history shows, after а peak period there usually comes а downward turn into а recession. Sales are decreasing. Business firms are cutting back оn their activities. Fewer things are being produced and more workers are laid off. Not only the business firms are cutting down their work but also their suppliers. They produce less and lау off their workers. People losing their jobs spend less money, other workers fear that they might lose their jobs, too. Soon consumers in general are spending less, and business declines even more.

  3. Trough. Usually аll recessions sooner or later reach а bottom (i.e. the trough of the сусlе) and then things start changing for the better. Firms stop laying off workers and begin ordering .more and more supplies. Customers start buying more and the economic situation is beginning to improve.

  4. Recovery. It is an increase in business activity which results in increased employment, greater consumer spending, more intensive cash flow and, of course, the beginning of another round of а business сусlе.

  1. Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты английских слов и словосочетаний:

1. to deliver goods

2. to give a loan

3. to set up a business

4. to decrease sales

5. to provide services

6. to order supplies

7. to lay off workers

8. to spend money

9. peak time

10. recession

11. business cycle

12. trough of the cycle

13. recovery

14. consumer

15. supplier

16. cash flow

17. a business firm

  1. уменьшить объем продаж

  2. цикл деловой активности; экономический цикл

  3. поставщик

  4. оживление, подъем

  5. период наивысшего подъема

  6. потребитель

  7. выдать ссуду, заём

  8. движение денежной массы (наличности)

  9. коммерческая фирма

  10. создать, учредить предприятие

  11. доставлять товары

  12. заказывать сырье и материалы; поставки

  13. низшая точка цикла

  14. увольнять рабочих

  15. тратить деньги

  16. спад (экономический)

  17. оказывать услуги