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5. Найдите ответы на следующие вопросы и напишите их в той последовательности, в которой заданы вопросы.


  1. Why do our foreign trade association never lose a chance to take part in trade fairs and exhibitions?

  2. What business is done at commercial centers at the exhibitions?

  3. What work is done after the exhibitions?

  4. How often are fairs and exhibitions held?

  5. What organization is responsible for these fairs and exhibitions?


    1. The Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

    2. To promote their goods to new markets and to launch new products in the developed markets.

    3. New transactions are concluded, new contracts are made, new orders are placed, new markets are established.

    4. Traditional fairs and exhibitions are organized annually. Exhibitions devoted to scientific achievements are held on and off.

    5. A lot of work is done: enquiries are sent out for the goods, offers are made for products by firms.

  1. Подберите английские эквиваленты к следующим русским словосочетаниям:

  1. внешнеторговые объединения

  2. потенциальные покупатели

  3. множество выгодных сделок

  4. традиционные ярмарки и выставки

  5. Торгово-Промышленная Палата

  6. называются соответственно

  7. и им подобные

  8. специализированные выставки

  9. не упускать возможности

  10. обеспечивать участие

  11. кроме того,

  1. Chamber of Commerce and Industry

  2. and the like

  3. specialized exhibitions

  4. are called accordingly

  5. also,

  6. to arrange participation

  7. foreign trade association

  8. traditional fairs and exhibitions

  9. never lose a chance

  10. potential buyers

  11. a lot of profitable business

Контрольная работа №4. Вариант №2.

1.Перевести на русский язык встречающиеся в тексте интернационализмы:

method, information, industry, association, journal, company, consultant, professional, potential, product, season, factor, planning, production, firm, capitalist, specialize, service.


1. Before selling the goods, you must do a lot of market research first. The information needed can be obtained from Russian embassies, consulates, and trade representations, from the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and from the all-Russian Institute for Scientific Market Research, from trade associations and trade journals or from specialized consultant companies (who will do a professional market research job for you for a fee).

2. The information you are interested in is if there is any demand for your goods, what the market potential is, what sort of competition you will meet, i.e. how the price of your goods compares with other competitive products including those produced locally, local conditions and preference, local trading customs and habits, what seasonal factors should be taken into account and the like.

3. But in general marketing covers not only market research, but also planning the selection (assortment) of goods, and consequently the production itself, price policy, advertising and promotion of sales, controlling the sales and post-sales servicing.

4. So marketing is a system of running all the business activities of a company in respect of coordinating supply and demand for the goods produced. Originally marketing was meant to help avoid over-production in advanced capitalist countries.

5. Advertising is an important means of promoting the goods that are being produced already as well as new lines in business.

6. There are specialized firms dealing with advertising. In this country it is V/O "Vneshtorgreklama". Different kinds of mass media - TV, radio, newspapers, cinema, journals, magazines, posters, -are used for advertising goods. Special leaflets, booklets and other printed matter about the goods may be published for the same purpose. Participation in fairs and exhibitions helps promote our goods as well. Also, special advertising conferences may be held. The choice of media for advertising depends on the kind or goods and on the local con­ditions and people's habits.