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Your Home Assignment

  1. Read the text:

I get up at 6 o’clock in the morning. I prepare breakfast for my daughter, wash and dress. Then I sit down to breakfast. As a rule it’s a cup of tea or coffee. I don’t eat any sandwiches for breakfast. At half past seven I leave home and go to the University. I never go there by bus or trolleybus. I always go there on foot. It takes me 20 minutes to get there. So I get to the University at ten minutes to eight. The lessons begin at 8 sharp. Usually I have a lecture and two practical lessons (tutorials). At tutorials we do not write many exercises. We write few exercises. We prefer to speak English, to read texts and newspaper articles at the lessons. At five minutes past one my work is over. I never have dinner at our canteen. I don’t like food prepared by other people. So I go home and have dinner at home. I usually work late at night. Evening is the best time for me. I go to bed at 1 a.m. But it doesn’t mean I get up late. I always remember the English proverb: An early bird eats two worms.

Ask me questions, please.

  1. What jobs do you think the six people have?

(Electrician, secretary, doctor, dentist, air hostess, photographer, bank manager, bus driver, artist, lorry driver, singer)

  1. She speaks four languages. She works very long hours, but she does not work every day. She likes people and travel, and she travels a lot in her work.

  2. She does not work in an office. She works very long hours, and she often gets up at night – it’s a tiring job. She likes people. She does not speak any foreign languages. She loves her job.

  3. He gets up at half past seven every day, has breakfast at 8 o’clock, and starts work at half past nine. He works in an office; he has two secretaries and two telephones. He does not work on Saturdays. He likes people and mathematics.

  4. He usually gets up at 11 o’clock, and has breakfast at lunchtime. He works at home. He works in the afternoons, but not every day. Sometimes he works very long hours; sometimes he does not work at all. He likes his job.

  5. She lives in a big city. She gets up at 2 o’clock in the afternoon, and has breakfast at 3 o’clock. She works from 9 p.m. until 2 a.m. She goes to and from work by taxi. She does not like her job much. And she does not like the people where she works.

  6. He gets up at 2 o’clock in the morning. He has breakfast and lunch in motorway restaurants. He works sitting down, and he travels a lot in his work. He likes his job.

III. Translate into English at home:

a) Я знаю этого человека. Его зовут г-н Белл. Ему 40 лет. Он управляющий большой фирмы в Лондоне. Фирма имеет офисы в различных городах мира. Г-н Белл часто встречается со своими заказчиками. Он обсуждает с ними разные вопросы: условия отгрузки, поставки, оплаты.


  • Я знаю, что Ваша компания очень большая.

  • B. Да, у нас офисы в разных городах. Я встречаюсь с заказчиками каждый день.

  • L. О, правда? А когда Вы обычно приходите в офис?

  • B. В 9 утра.

  • L. Вы проводите в офисе целый день?

  • B. Часто. Я читаю факсы, встречаюсь с заказчиками, провожу собрания и чего только не делаю.

  • L. Я делаю то же самое в моем офисе в Минске.

  • B. Ты всегда очень занят?

  • L. Да, я тружусь как пчелка до 6 часов.

  • B. Я заканчиваю работу тоже в 6 и прихожу домой в 7.

  • L. Ты всегда проводишь вечера дома?

  • B. Не всегда. Иногда мы ходим куда-нибудь, но иногда, когда я очень устаю, мы остаемся дома. Мы любим проводить время дома, читая или просто разговаривая.

  • L. Чудесно.