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  1. Complete the sentences:

  1. Mr. Petrov arrived …

  1. Mr. Cartright met …

  1. Mr. Cartright took him …

  2. Mr. Petrov was satisfied ...

  3. They agreed to ...

Exercise 4. Read the dialogues.

C = Cartright P = Petrov W = White


C: Hello, John.

W: Hello, Frank.

C: Meet Mr. Petrov from Ukrain.

W: How do you do, Mr. Petrov.

P: How do you do, Mr. White.

W: Did you have a nice journey?

P: Yes, it was quite comfortable. I think it’s more convenient to fly than to go by land.

W: I quite agree with you. I hope you will enjoy your stay here. The weather is nice for sightseeing.

C: It is certainly fine. It’s much warmer here than in London.

W: Yes, that’s right. But don’t forget that we are in the South of the country. Well, Mr. Petrov, Frank told me you wanted to see our production shops.

P: If it’s not too much trouble.

W: By no means. I can show you round the whole plant so that you will get a good idea of the range of our products.

P: I’d be delighted to if it doesn’t take you too much time.

W: I’ll be glad to help you and answer any of your questions. I’ll lead the way.


W: This is our assembly shop and here you will see the finished products. We produce pumps of high capacity for different application. Here is our latest model. We modified it three months ago.

P: How can it be compared with the previous model?

W: That’s a good question. It’s easier to operate and more reliable as compared with the previous one.

Besides, its capacity is higher. We started producing this model three months ago and by now we’ve received a lot of orders.

C: I say, John, Mr. Petrov told me on our way here that he wanted to see our test department, too. Is it possible?

W: Yes, of course. We test every product thoroughly and we’ve had good reports from our customers both in our country and abroad. This is the place where we test our products. In fact they are testing one right now.


P: That was very interesting, Mr. White. I enjoyed every minute of my visit. Thank you very much.

W: It’s really nothing. You are always welcome to visit our plant. John, what are you doing tonight?

C: We are going to walk about the city and see the sights.

W: and how about dinner at a restaurant at 9? I can call for you at the hotel at 8:45.

C: That’s a good idea. Thank you.

Translate the dialogues at home with a good dictionary.

Will you answer the following questions?

An Interview


Job title


  1. What were your childhood ambitions?

  2. What was your first full-time job?

  3. What was your first vehicle/car?

  4. What was your pin-up as a teenager?

  5. What bad habits do you have?

  6. How do you like to relax?

  7. What was the first record you bought?

  8. What was your ideal night out?

  9. If you could invite two famous people for dinner, who would they be, and why would you ask them?

  10. What is your favourite movie, and why?

  11. What is your favourite food and drink?

  12. What sport team do you support?

  13. What pets do you have?

  14. If you could build your house anywhere, where would it be?

  15. If you could have any superpower for the day, what would you choose?

  16. What was your luckiest break?

  17. What is your best piece of advice?

  18. If you weren’t doing your present job, what job would you be doing?

  19. Can money buy happiness?

  20. If you could be God for the day, what miracle would you perform?

  21. What has been the best moment in your carrier?

  22. What would you like to be doing in five years’ time?

  23. Describe yourself in five adjectives?

  24. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

  25. Have you got a claim to fame?

  26. What is your biggest weakness?

  27. What has been your biggest achievement?

  28. If you could be any historical figure for a day, who would you be and why?

  29. How would you like to be remembered?

  30. Any regrets?

Good luck on your further way to success!




Unit I


To be in Present Simple / to have and have got

Home Assignment

4 – 15

12 - 15

Unit II

Daily Routine

The Present Simple Tense

Home Assignment

16 – 27

25 - 27

Unit III

Work and Leisure

Word order

Home Assignment

28 – 39

25 - 27

Unit IV

House and Home

The Present Continuous Tense

Home Assignment

40 -49

47 -49

Unit V

House and Home

Present Simple or Present Continuous/ adjectives few, little/

personal and possessive pronouns/ imperative mood/ there is

Home Assignment

50 – 58

56 - 58

Unit VI

Jobs and Problems / CV, Covering Letter/

The Past Simple Tense/ to be in Past Simple/ adverbs much, little

Home Assignment

59 – 69

66 - 69

Unit VII

Job Hunting

Revision/ pronouns other, another

Home Assignment

70 – 80

79 - 80


Dealing with Problems at Work

The Present Perfect Tense

Home Assignment

81 – 91

89 - 91

Unit IX

Business Talks /Discussing prices, terms of payment and delivery/

Present Perfect or Past Simple

Home Assignment

92 – 102

100 - 102

Unit X

Business Talks /Discussing the guarantee period and packing/

The Past Continuous Tense

Home Assignment

103 – 114

112 - 114

Unit XI

Travel /Buying a ticket, staying at a hotel/

Past Simple or Past Continuous

Home Assignment

115 – 126

124 -126

Unit XII

Business Visits

Ways of Expressing Future Actions

Home Assignment

127 – 138

137 - 138


Business Visits

Ways of Expressing Future Actions

Home Assignment

139 - 144