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Cambridge Professional English.docx
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  1. Which hacking case inspired the film War Games?

  2. When did Captain Zap hack into the Pentagon?

  3. Why was Nicholas Whitely arrested in 1988?

  4. How old was the hacker that broke into the us defence computer in 1989?

The history of hacking - Part 1

1971 - John Draper discovered that a whistle offered in boxes of Cap’n Crunch breakfast cereal perfectly generated the 2,600Hz signal used by the AT&T phone company. He started to make free calls. He was arrested in 1972 but wasn’t sent to prison.

1974 - Kevin Mitnick, a legend among hackers, began hacking into banking networks and altering the credit reports of his enemies. He didn’t expect that his most famous exploit - hacking into the North American Defense Command in Colorado Springs - would inspire the film War Games in 1983.

1981 - Ian Murphy, a 23-year-old known as Captain Zap on the networks, hacked into the White House and the Pentagon.

  1. -The IBM international network was paralysed by a hacker's Christmas message.

  2. -The Union Bank of Switzerland almost lost £32 million to hackers. Nicholas Whitely was arrested in connection

with virus spreading.

  1. - A fifteen-year-old hacker cracked the US defence computer.

  1. - Kevin Poulsen, known as Dark Dante on the networks, was accused of stealing military files.


В i- ;| In pairs, discuss which of the cases in Part 1 you had heard of.

Which do you think is the most important?

Language work: the past simple

A Look at the HELP box and then complete Part 2 of the text with the past simple form of the verbs in the box.

show spread steal launch attempt overwrite be infect affect

The history of hacking - Part 2

  1. - David L Smith (I) prosecuted for writing the Melissa virus, which was passed in

Word files sent via email.

  1. - The German Chaos Computer Club (2) on TV how to obtain money from

bank accounts.

  1. - A Russian hacker (3) to extort $100,000 from online music retailer CD Universe.

A Canadian hacker (4) - a massive denial of service attack against websites like

Yahoo! and Amazon.

The iLoveYou virus, cleverly disguised as a love letter, (5) so quickly that email had to be shut down in many companies.The worm (6) image and sound files

with a copy of itself.

  1. - The Code Red worm (7) tens of thousands of machines.

2006 - Hackers (8) the credit card details of almost 20,000 AT&T online customers.

However, subscribers to its service (9) (not)


Past simple

  • We use the past simple to talk about a complete action or event which happened at a specific time in the past.

Past 1 Now

He began hacking in 1974.

  • We form the past simple of regular verbs by adding -(e)d to the infinitive.

John Draper discovered that a whistle...

We form questions and negatives using did/didn't.

When did Captain Zap hack into the Pentagon?

He didn't expect that his most famous exploit...

  • There are many verbs which are irregular in the past simple.

Kevin Mitnick began hacking into...

For a list of irregular verbs, see page 166.

We form questions and negatives for irregular verbs in the same way as for regular verbs. The exception is be (see below).

When did Kevin Mitnick begin hacking into ...?

He didn't begin hacking until 1974.

  • We form the past passive with the past simple of be + the past participle.

IBM international was paralysed by hackers.

He wasn't sent to prison.

Why was Nicholas Whitely arrested in 1998?

В Read these landmarks in the history of the Internet and prepare at least five questions in the past simple.

Example: What happened in 1969? What did Ray Tomlinson do in 1971?

1969 - The US Defense Department establishes ARPANET, a network connecting research centres.

1971 - Ray Tomlinson of BBN invents an email program to send messages across a network. The @ sign is chosen for its at meaning.

  1. - IBM sells the first IBM PC. BITNET provides email and file transfers to universities.

  2. - TCP/IP is adopted as the standard language of the Internet.

1988 - Jarkko Oikarinen develops the system known as Internet Relay Chat (IRC).

1991 - CERN (Conseil Europeen pour la Recherche Nudeaire) creates the World Wide Web.

  1. - The Internet 2 network is born. It can handle data and video at high speed but is not a public network.

  2. - Online banking, e-commerce and MP3 music become popular.

  1. - Napster, whose software allows users to share downloaded music, maintains that it does not perpetrate or encourage music piracy. However, a judge rules that Napster's technology is an infringement of music copyright.

2004 - Network Solutions begins offering 100-year domain registration.

2006 - Americans spend over $100 billion shopping online.

С PI In pairs, ask and answer your questions.

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