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в джазе только девушки (уже по ролям).docx
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4 Часть. Танго и встреча Монро с миллионером

Озгуд: But it's such a waste. A full moon, an empty yacht.

Джерри: - I'll throw up.

Озгуд: - Then let's go dancing. There's a roadhouse down the coast...

Джерри: Well, I'll be... He does have a bicycle.

Озгуд: Who?

Джерри: About the roadhouse?

Озгуд: They have a Cuban band that's the berries. Let's go there, blindfold the orchestra and tango till dawn.

Джерри: - You know something, Mr Fielding?

Озгуд: - What?

Джерри: You're dynamite.

Озгуд: You're a pretty hot little firecracker yourself.

Идут в ресторан, там танцуют танго

Озгуд: Daphne,- you're leading again.

Джерри: - Sorry.

5 Часть.(Монро поет, между этим разговаривают джо и джерри)

Джо: Daphne, your boyfriend's waving at you.

Джерри: You can both go take a flyin' jump.

Джо: Remember, he's your date for tonight, so smile.

Джерри: Oh, you can do better than that.

Джо: Give him the teeth, the whole personality.

Джерри: Why do I let you talk me into these things? Why?

Джо: Because we're pals. The two musketeers.

Джерри: Don't give me the musketeers. How am I gonna keep him ashore?

Джо: Tell him you get seasick. Play miniature golf with him.

Джерри: Oh, no. I'm not gonna get caught in a miniature sand trap with that guy.

Посыльный: Hi. Which of you dolls is Daphne?

Джо: Bull fiddle.

Посыльный: From satchel mouth at table seven. This is from me to you, doll.

Джо: - Beat it, buster.

Посыльный: Never mind leaving your door open. I got a passkey.

Джерри: - What are you doin' with my flowers?

Джо: - Borrowing 'em. You'll get 'em back.I guess he's not gonna show up.

Монро: It's five minutes to one. Do you suppose he forgot?

Джо: - You know how those millionaires are. These came for you.

Монро: For me? It's Shell Oil.

Джерри: - No!

Монро: - Yes!He wants to have supper with me on his yacht. He's picking me up at the pier.

Джерри: - No!

Монро: - Yes.

Джо: - You heard her - yes.

Монро: Josephine, just imagine. Me, Sugar Kowalczyk from Sandusky, Ohio,on a millionaire's yacht. If my mother could only see me now.

Джерри: I hope my mother never finds out.

Сью: That's it for tonight.This is Sweet Sue saying good night, reminding all you daddies out there that every girl in my band is a virtuoso. And I intend to keep it that way.

Джо: - Good luck.

Монро: - Thanks.

?????? – это можно не делать 

6 Часть. Разговор в отеле Джерри, Джо и Монро

Джо: Hi, Jerry. Everything under control?

Джерри: Have I got things to tell you.

Джо: - What happened?

Джерри: - I'm engaged.

Джо: Congratulations. Who's the lucky girl?

Джерри: I am.

Джо: What?

Джерри: Osgood proposed to me. We're planning a June wedding.

Джо: What are you talking about? You can't marry Osgood.

Джерри: - Do you think he's too old for me?

Джо: - Jerry, you can't be serious.

Джерри: Why not? He keeps marryin' girls all the time.

Джо: But... you're not a girl. You're a guy. And why would a guy wanna marry a guy?

Джерри: Security.

Джо: - Jerry, lie down. You're not well.

Джерри: - Stop treatin' me like a child.

Джо: - I'm not stupid. I know there's a problem.

Джерри: - I'll say there is. His mother. We need her approval. But I'm not worried because I don't smoke.

Джо: - Jerry, there's another problem.

Джерри: - Like what?

Джо: - Like your honeymoon.

Джерри: - We've been discussing that. He wants to go to the Riviera, but I kinda lean towards Niagara Falls.

Джо: Jerry, you're outta your mind. You can't get away with this.

Джерри: I don't expect it to last. I'll tell him the truth when the time comes.

Джо: - Like when?

Джерри: - Like right after the ceremony. Then we get a quick annulment, he makes a nice settlement on me and I keep gettin' those alimony checks every month.

Джо: Jerry, listen to me. There are laws, conventions. It's just not been done.

Джерри: Joe, this may be my last chance to marry a millionaire.

Джо: Jerry, will you take my advice? Forget about the whole thing, will you? Just keep telling yourself you're a boy.

Джерри: - I'm a boy.

Джо: - That's the boy.

Джерри: I'm a boy, I'm a boy, I'm a... I wish I were dead. I'm a boy. Boy, oh boy, am I a boy. What about my engagement present?

Джо: - What engagement present?

Джерри: - Osgood gave me a bracelet.

Джо: Hey, these are real diamonds.

Джерри: Of course they're real. You think my fiance is a bum? I guess I'll have to give it back to him.

Джо: - Wait a minute, Jerry. Let's not be hasty. After all, we don't wanna hurt Osgood's feelings.

Стук в дверь

Джо: - Just a minute.

Монро: - It's me. Sugar.

Джо: Come in.

Монро: I thought I heard voices. I had to talk to somebody. I don't feel like going to sleep.

Джерри: - What you need is a slug of bourbon.

Монро: - Oh, no. I'm off that stuff for good.

Джо: - Did you have a nice time?

Монро: - It was suicidally beautiful.

Джерри: Did he get fresh?

Монро: Of course not. As a matter of fact, it was just the other way around.- You see, he needs help.

Джерри: - What for?

Монро: You should see the yacht.Candlelight, mint sauce and cranberries.

Джо: Gee, I wish I'd been there.

Монро: I'm going to see him again tonight - and every night. I think he's going to propose. As soon as he gets up his nerve.

Джо: Daphne got a proposal tonight.

Монро: - Really?

Джерри: - From a rich millionaire.

Монро: That's wonderful. Poor Josephine.

Джо: - Me?

Монро: Well, Daphne has a beau, I have a beau...If we could only find somebody for you.

Посыльный: Here I am, doll.