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Практичне заняття № 4

Тема заняття: Види крамниць та відділів


shopping – шоппінг, купування, (д.) робити покупки

daily life – щоденне життя

entertainment – розвага

department – відділ

shoes department – взуттєвий відділ

haberdashery department – відділ галантереї

perfume department – відділ парфумерії, косметики

jewelers – ювелірна крамниця/відділ (у великому магазині)

grocer's – бакалія

greengrocer's – овочевий та фруктовий відділ

baker's – пекарня

dairy – молочарня

supermarket – супермаркет

pile – нагромаджувати

convenient – зручний


There are some things we have to do every day. Shopping is one of them. Shopping is a part of our daily life. Some people hate it and find it boring. Others consider it very exciting and believe it a kind of entertainment. As for me, I'm not a great fan of shopping. But I understand that I have to deal with it whether I like it or not. When I need something in the way of clothes I go to the department store. There I can buy shoes, hats, knitted goods, household goods and so on. When I want to buy clothes I go to the Ready-Made Clothes departments. They are the Men's or Ladies' Outfitter's. Boots and shoes are sold at the Shoe department or the Footwear department to buy socks and stockings we go to the Hosiery department. We can buy buttons, ribbons, lace, tape, thread, needles, pins, handkerchiefs, zippers and such like at the Haberdashery department. To buy cardigans, jumpers, pullovers and knitted underwear we go to the Knitted Goods department. Ladies buy perfume, face powder, lipstick, face cream, nail varnish, mascara, shades and such like at the Perfume department. People buy jewellery and gold watches at the jeweler’s. Books are sold at the bookseller's, flowers at the florist's. Newspapers and magazines are often sold at the news-stands or news stalls. If I want to buy some meat I go to the butcher's. At the grocer's flour, sugar, cereals, tea, coffee and other things can be bought. To buy some vegetables and fruit I go to the greengrocer's. Bread, buns, biscuits, cookies are sold at the baker's. If I want to buy some fish I go to the fishmonger's. To buy milk, cheese, eggs we go to the dairy. I prefer to buy food in a supermarket. It is very convenient. I can take a trolley and pile everything I need there.

Ex. 1. Answer the following questions.

  1. What do you think about tele and computer shopping? Who do you think it is good for?

  2. What are, in your opinion, advantages and disadvantages of tele and computer shopping?

  3. Would you personal like to shop without leaving your house? Why? Why not?

  4. What goods and products would you buy using telephone and computer?

  5. Do you think everything can be bought by phone and computer? If no, what goods cannot be bought in such a way?

Граматичний матеріал: Виконання контрольної роботи.

Модуль самостійної роботи:

1. Пряма та непряма мова.

2. Скласти діалоги з теми «Обмін валюти».

3. Анотування газетної статті за фахом.