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Final Equilibrium textbook (booklet format).doc
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VI. Act out the episode by heart:

Preston: No.

Official: Shit.

Preston: Not without incident. I'm coming.

Dupont: You really should learn to knock. How did it feel, Preston?

Brandt: Mind the uniform, Cleric. I plan to be wearing it for a long time.

Dupont: Be careful, Preston. You're treading on my dreams. Wait! Wait. Look at me. Look at me. I'm life. I live, I breathe... I feel. Now that you know it... can you really take it? Is it really worth the price?

Preston: I pay it gladly.

Father (TV): The following items have been rated EC-10... condemned. In the 19th century... ...world to its knees. Two millennia ago... in his conquest of the known world, Alexander the Great slaughtered more than one million human beings. Three centuries later, purely out of jealousy, Gaius Germanicus, "Caligula," murdered his own sister, impregnated with his own child. In the... ...items have been rated EC-10... ...rated condemned, destroyed. ...items have been rated...


II. Match the English words with their Russian Equivalents:

riddle осенять;

capacity середина;

to infiltrate политическая марионетка;

to hit загадка;

undetected отцовский, отеческий;

midst провокатор;

provocateur продолжать;

political puppet способность;

to pursue избавитель, спаситель;

paternal необнаруженный;

saviour проникать;

III. Fill the gaps with your active vocabulary:

After 5 years of dedicated work it ________ him that to successfully solve this ________ and to _______ his ________ tradition and acquire the air of a ________ he had to _________ a _______ into their _____ with the ________ of lethal power who would act as a __________ and thus remain _________.

IV. Use all active vocabulary to make 1 s-ce but leave them as gaps for others to fill in:

V. Read the questions below and find the answers in the film:

1) What was Brandt’s job?

2) What qualities were required from Father’s agent? Why was it difficult to find such a person?

3) Who was Dupont and how did he acquire this post?

4) What role did Dupont choose for Preston and what did he achieve by that?

VI. Discuss the following questions in pairs or groups of threes using your active vocabulary:

When & how did Dupont get to know that Preston was a sense offender & how he was using the cleric as bait?

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