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Final Equilibrium textbook (booklet format).doc
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Equilibrium (part XXVI)

  1. Look through the words necessary to understand the episode;

incineration сжигание; кремация; auditory – слуховой; (here = включить звук)

annihilation(полное) уничтожение, истребление;

II. Memorise the following words & be ready to use them in speech as active vocabulary;

to implement – to make sth such as an idea, plan, system, or law start to work and be used; to carry out;

file – a set of papers, documents, or records that you keep because they contain information;

footage – film of a particular subject or event;

sentence – a punishment that a judge gives to someone who is guilty of a crime;

to condemn – to give a severe punishment to someone who is guilty of a crime;

furnace – a large enclosed container in which you burn fuel, used for heating a building or for an industrial process such as making metal liquid;

to prime – to get a weapon or bomb ready to fire or explode; to inject fuel into an engine to enable starting;

to engage – to involve in doing sth;

III. Match the English words with their Russian Equivalents:

to implement отснятый видеоматериал;

file приговаривать, выносить приговор;

footage включать, приводить в действие;

sentence заряжаться, воспламеняться;

to condemn претворять;

furnace файл; дело; досье;

to prime приговор;

to engage печь;


IV. Read the questions below and find the answers in the film:

1) Why couldn’t Preston get his morning interval at Equilibrium?

2) Was Brandt surprised to see Preston on time? Why?

3) Why was Brandt nervous? Did he consider himself a carefree optimist?

4) What did the police log into a collecting catalogue in Mary’s place?

5) Why didn’t Preston let Brandt shoot Mary?

V. Discuss the following questions in pairs or groups of threes using your active vocabulary:

Why did Preston lie to Brand about missing his dose?

Police: Due to terrorist activity, this site is temporarily closed. Proceed to the Equilibrium Centre in Sector 8A. Due to terrorist activity, this site is temporarily closed. This site is temporarily closed. Proceed to the Equilibrium Centre in Sector 8a.

Brandt: More than punctual, Cleric. Hop in. How were the lines? I'm surprised you were able to get your interval and get out so quickly.

Preston: No, they're... they're fine today.

Brandt: Maybe I'll drop by later, get my interval adjusted.

Preston: You’re expecting Resistance?

Brandt: That's something you'll find about me, Cleric. I'm a wary person, cautious by nature. Always expecting the worst.

Mary: You can't do this. You cannot do this.

Preston: Tetragrammaton. There's nothing we can't do. How long have you been off the dose? Look at you. Look at you! Look at you. The mirror's frame is illegal. Destroy it.

Policeman 1: We have suppression. We're making entry.

Policeman 2: Standard deployment. Collecting catalogue. Illegal articles.

Mary: You're gonna burn it, aren't you?

Preston: Eventually. However, you couldn't have accumulated all this by yourself. It'll all be sorted and examined. We'll discover who your confederates are.

Policeman 1: Gun!

Preston: We need her…

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