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Text rokwell kent


Rockwell Kent is an American painter, wood engraver and writer. He was born in 1882 in New York. Kent studied architecture at Columbia University, but he did not graduate, as he decided to become a painter. He studied with Robert Henri. His first exhibition when he was twenty years brought him recognition.

To earn his living and in search of work Kent tried many kinds of work. He was architect and a carpenter, he fished for crabs and worked on farms.

Rockwell Kent travelled much. He travelled through all the United States and the Far North. He spent many years in Alaska, Greenland, Canada and many of his landscapes reflect beauty of the north, the hard life of its inhabitants and their courage.

The artist’s graphic art and his painting, covering a wide range of subjects, are notable for their stark, powerful style and his black and white illustrations.

Kent illustrated many books, among them Shakespeare’s plays, “Decameron” by Boccaccio.

Among his major works are “Winter” (Metropolitan Museum), “Down the Sea” (Art Institute, Chicago), “Greenlanders”, “Northern Greenland”, “Summer in Greenland”, “Wilderness”, etc.


Columbia- Колумбия

Robert Henri- an American painter

Alaska- Аляска

Stark- досконалий

Exercise 13. Translate the text using the dictionary. Make a written translation.


The mechanics of drawing interested Eugene from the first. He learned the first night that there was some defect in his understanding of light and shade as it related to the human form. He could not get any roundness or texture in his drawings. […] From drawing from the nude, which Eugene came to do very successfully that winter, his interest switched to his work in the illustration class where costume figures were used. Here, for the first time, he tried his hand at wash drawings, the current medium for magazine work, and was praised after a time for his execution.

Lesson 7

Exercise 1. Practice reading:

Work while you work,

Play while you play.

That is the way,

To be happy and gay.

All that you do,

Do with your might,

Things done by halves,

Are never done right.

One thing at a time,

And that done well.

Is a very good rule

As many can tell.

Exercise 2. Read and translate the sentences:

1. She has read the book I advised her to take. 2. The man you want to speak to is coming back tomorrow. 3. The place where I was born is a big city now. 4. I came to London the day my friend left for Kiev. 5. This is the house my friend lives in. 6. This is the student you wanted to speak to. 7. I well remember the time when I went to school. 8. I couldn’t come because I didn't feel well. 9. I’m going to work at the advertising agency after I graduate. 10. Ill read the newspaper while you are away. 11. We dont know how you will be able to work without these instruments. 12. We thought that the picture had made a great impression on you.

Exercise 3. Translate these words without a dictionary:

Museum, design, historical, section, organization, collection, sculpture, period, polychrome, icon, portrait, baroque, commander, effective, tradition, realism, romanticism, graphics, characteristic, dramatic, costume, sentimental, genre, provincial, lyrical, triptych, idea.

Exercise 4. Read and try to memories the words:

antiquity – античність, старовина to display – показувати

according – згідно relief – барельєф

to withdraw – забрати “The intercession” – заступництво

to embrace – охвачувати resurrection – вознесіння

to arrange – розміщати in the vicinity of – поблизу

an exhibit – експонат monk – монах

prominent –видатний to be worth (of) – бути гідним

trend – тенденція contemporary – сучасник

assume – приймати на себе follower – посл1довник

peasant [pezэnt] – селянин wedding – весілля

lofty – високий, величний victim – жертва

attitude – відношення outside – за межами

influence – вплив

homestead – садиба canvas – полотно

a number of – ряд, місце generation – покоління

existence – існування to represent – представляти

to trace – прослідити folk art – народне мистецтво

Exercise 5. Read and translate the text:

The Museum of Ukrainian Art in Kyiv

The Museum of Ukrainian Art was built by Vladislav Gorodetsky as Kyivs fist City Museum of Antiquities and Art, according to a design by Boitsov. It was opened in 1899. In 1936 the historical section withdrew to an independent organization, and the Museum of Ukrainian Art was formed. The large collection of paintings, drawings and sculptures embraces all periods of the development of Ukrainian fine arts and is arranged in twenty-one rooms.

The oldest exhibit displayed in the museum is the wooden polychrome relief of “St. George with Scenes from His Life” produced in the 13th century, and in the 14th century – icon of the “Virgin Hodegetria” from the town of Lutsk in Volyn.

Among numerous icons of the late 17th and early 18th centuries are “The Intercession,” which contains a portrait of the hetman Bohdan Khmelnitsky and “St. Barbara and St. Catherine.”

Late Baroque art is represented by icons from iconostasis of the Church of the Resurrection on the village of Berezna in the vicinity of Chernihov (1760s). In the next room we find the largest collection of Ukrainian portrait art and folk art. The formal portraits of Cossack commanders are extremely effective. The portrait of the young monk Prince Dmitry Dolgoruky (1769) by the prominent Kyivan painter Samuel is worth attention too.

The art of the late 18th century definitely broke with icon-painting traditions of the past. The trends toward realism and romanticism assumed a leading place in Ukrainian painting and graphics in the first half and middle of the 19th century. The museum displays Vasyl Tropinin’s portraits of peasants clearly demonstrating these trends. A lofty romantic attitude to people and to his native land is characteristic of the paintings and drawings of Taras Shevchenko. His last “Self-portrait” (1861) is especially full of dramatic undertones. The poetry of old homesteads and national costumes, the beauty of the Ukrainian landscape, and somewhat sentimental scenes of everyday life have found their place in painting, water-colours and sketches from nature by T. Shevchenko,s contemporaries and followers, such as Vasyl Sternberg, Ivan Sokolov, Konstantin Trutovsky. Realistic traditions of genre paintings, “Wedding in Kyiv Province” (1891), “At the Well. Rivals” (1909) and a dramatic scene from provincial life of the country, “Victim of Fanaticism” (1899), by Pimonenko were popular even outside Ukraine. A student of Ilya Repin, A.Murashko felt the influence of other Western European Arts trends. Landscape paintings has an important place in the exhibition. Here we can see the lyrical canvases of S.Svetoslavsky, I.Trush, and N.Burachek.

F.Krichevsky, who has taught several generations of contemporary painters, such as Tetyana Yablonska and Georgiy Melikhov, is represented by a large number of paintings, his triptych ”Life” is painted in realistic traditions. A large number of exhibits are by young painters and graphic artists, who came forward with their new artistic ideas. Visiting the museum the art lovers may trace the progress of Ukrainian art during the 700 years of its existence.

Exercise 6. Read and translate:

1. Who designed the building of the museum of Ukrainian art? 2. Who built it? 3. When was the museum of Ukrainian art built? 4. How many rooms is the museum arranged in? 5. What are the oldest exhibits in the museum? 6. Whose portrait is there on the icon “The Intercession”? 7. What was the trend of painting in the first half and middle of the 19th century? 8. What is characteristic for the paintings and drawings of Taras Shevchenko? 9. What is shown on the paintings of Shevchenco,s contemporaries and Followers? 10. What genre paintings can be seen in the museum? 11. Whose pupil was A.Murashko? 12. What names did you come to know from this text? 13. Have you ever visited Kiev museum of Ukrainian art? 14. Do you often visit your local art museum? 15. What other world famous museums do you know?

Exercise 7. Say whether it is true or false. It false say why:

  1. The building of the museum of Ukrainian art was built more that 100 years ago.

  2. It has a large collection of paintings of the 19th century only.

  3. There are no pictures of Russian painters.

  4. There are no sculptures to be seen in the museum.

  5. There are no pictures of T.Shevchenko at the museum except his “Self-portrait.”

  6. The picture “Wedding in Kiev Province” belongs to genre paintings.

  7. The triptych “Life” was painted by T.Yablonska and G.Melikhov.

  8. Ilya Repin is widely represented in the museum of Ukrainian art in Kiev.

Exercise 8. Match the words:

1. design 1. представляти

2. folk 2. тенденція

3. independent 3. вміщати

4. display 4. народне

5. exhibit 5. незалежний

6. trend 6. показувати

7. contain 7. експонат

8. beauty 8. акварель

9. represent 9. проект

10. landscape 10. вплив

11. water-colour 11. красота

12. influence 12. пейзаж

Exercise 9. Render into English:

1. Проект будинку Українського мистецтва в Києві було спроектовано Бойцовим, а побудував його відомий київський зодчий Городецький. 2. Спочатку цей музей називався Міським музеєм Старовини та Мистецтва. 3. I він був відкритий в 1899 році. 4. Після реорганізації з 1936 року музей називається Музеєм Украінського Мистецтва. 5. В музеї 21 виставочна зала. 6. В перших залах можна побачити старинні ікони. 7. Сама стара ікона датується 13-14 століттям. 8. Музей вміщує багату колекцію портретів Василя Тропініна, а також портрети козацьких командирів. 9. В музеі широко представлені картини та малюнки Т. Шевченка. 10. Декілька поколінь украінських художників представлені в музеї портретами, пейзажами, гравюрами, графічними роботами, жанровими картинами. 11.Тут можна побачити роботи Костянтина Трутовського, Пімоненко, Мурашко, Крічевського, Тетяни Яблонської та інших відомих українських художників. 12. Любителі мистецтва можуть прослідити розвиток украаїнського мистецтва на протязі 700 літ його існування.

Exercise 10. Retell the text according to the plan:

1. Building and formation of the museum.

2. The arrangement of the exhibits.

3. The oldest exhibits.

4. Kinds of painting represented at the museum.

5. Painters.

6. The role of art in your life.

Exercise 11. Read dramatize and memorize the dialogue:

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