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VII. D. Learn new words

arch [α:tò] арка

beam [bi:m] балка

truss [tr∧s] ферма

exterior [eks′tiəriə] наружный, внешний, экстерьер

skeleton construction каркасная или рамная конструкция

throughout [qru(:)′aut] повсюду, на всем протяжении

basis [′beisis] основа

column [′kɔləm] колонна

iron [′aiən] железо

wall-bearing несущий

framework рама, каркас, рамная конструкция

incombustible [,inkəm′b∧stəbl] несгораемый

in addition to кроме, кроме того, в дополнение к

non-fireproof [′nɔn′faiəpru:f] неогнеупорный

fireproof [′faiəpru:f] огнестойкий

frame [freim] рама, каркас

function [′f∧ŋkòən] назначение

include [in′klu:d] включать

manner [′mænə] способ, метод

mill [mil] завод, мельница

partition [pα:′tiòən] перегородка

share [òεə] доля, часть; акция

skeleton [′skrlitn] каркас, скелет

wooden [′wudn] деревянный

as [æz / əz] как, в качетве; так как

assembling [ə′sembliŋ] сборка, монтаж

classification [,klæsifi′keiòən] классификация

dead load [′ded′loud] постоянная нагрузка

element [′elimənt] элемент, составная часть

frame construction рамная конструкция

live load [laiv] временная нагрузка

masonry [′meisnri] каменная кладка

naturally [′nætòrəli] конечно, естественно

perform [pə′fɔ:m] выполнять, исполнять

framing [′freimiŋ] остов, обрамление проема, деревянный каркас

mostly ['moustli] главным образом, обычно, по большей части

VII. E. Read the text Buildings and then discuss it using the tables

THE CLASSIFICATION OF BUILDINGS. The assembling of various structural elements so that each may perform its function is known as framing.

One classification of buildings is on the basis of the functions of the walls. If the walls carry their share of the dead, live or other loads in addition to keeping out the weather, etc. the building is called a wall-bearing construction. But if the loads, including the weight of the walls, are carried by the structural frame, consisting of columns, beams, trusses and arches, the building is called a skeleton construction. The first type is mostly used for civil building type and the second - for the mill building type.

TYPES OF BUILDINGS. The buildings are divided into classes according to the manner of construction:

1. Frame construction. 2. Non-fireproof construction. 3. Fireproof construction.

Frame construction includes all buildings with exterior walls of wooden framework. Such buildings naturally have floors and partitions of wood.

Non-fireproof construction includes all buildings with exterior walls of masonry but with wood floor construction and partitions.

Fireproof construction includes all buildings constructed of incombustible material throughout, with floors of iron, steel or reinforced concrete beams.

VI. F. Speak on the structure and types of buildings using the text, Tables 1 and 2 and the following: as is known, as a rule, I should say, in fact, as far as I know, on the one hand, on the other hand

Table 1


civil buildings mill buildings

wall bearing construction skeleton construction

structural frame

columns beams trusses arches

dead load live load weight of the walls

Table 2

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