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3.Answer the questions.

  1. Where did Lee set forth his beliefs?

  2. What are they?

4.Read and translate Lee’s beliefs.

5.Give a short characteristic to Ivy Lee.

6.Compose a dialogue with your partner on any problem from the history of public relations given in the texts.

                  1. II

1. 1. Read the text paying attention to your time of reading.


Legal and ethical issues are closely related in public relations practice; however, they are not identical. Even when no violation of law can be proven, a practitioner can be sanctioned for unethical conduct under the code of PRSA. The history of public relations is filled with allegations and confirmations of unethical behavior, while this may be no different from any other profession; public relations practitioners are especially sensitive to any suggestion of misconduct. This sensitivity may exist because a public relation is frequently called on to be the source of ethical statements and policies for an organization.

To help provide guidance in ethical decisions, both PRSA and the IABC have established codes for ethical behavior. While both encourage professionals to demostrate a commitment to ethical behavior, only PRSA has an enforcement procedure.

Ethical questions often arise in professional relationships with clients, news media, financial analysts, and others. Increased professionalization is one possible answer to question raised regarding ethical practice. Even with the legislative force of licensure, though, ethical practice is still a function of individuals.

The Challenge of Ethical Practice

Ethics is an area of particular concern for public relations for three reasons:

- practitioners are aware that to some, public relations has a reputation for unethical behavior;

- public relations is often the source of ethical statements from an organization and the repository of ethical and social policies;

- practitioners have struggled to create a suitable code of ethics for themselves.

Public relations practice is based on a foundation of trust. Members of the proffession who violate that trust harm their colleagues as much as themselves. Public relations practitioners are very sensitive, even defensive, about allegations of unethical behavior. The term public relations is sometimes used, even today, as a synonym for lying, distortion, selective disclosure, or cover - ups. A Wall Street Journal article points to the ethical shortcomings of public relations, quoting the former public relations vice president for United Brands. "The more I thought about it, and the more I looked at events around me, the more certain I become that PR was helping to screw up the world," he said. "I could see the hands of the PR men pulling tbe strings, making things happen, covering things up.... Everywhere 1 looked it seemed as if image and style had taken the place of substance."1

Like any other group or profession, public relations has ethical as well as unethical practitioners. Public relations as a profession attempts to represent the public as well as the organization in business decision-making, however, so its practitioners are frequently held to a higher standard. The media and various publics will quickly point out deception in what might be considered normal behavior f'or members of other competitive businesses.