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Lesson 8 cars on soviet railways

Грамматика: функции глаголов: "to be" и "to have. Време­на группы Perfect .

Пояснения к тексту:

to lay requirements - предъявлять требования

heavy-duty - большегрузный

cement carrier - цементовоз

material-handling operations - погрузо-разгрузочные работы

all-metal - цельнометаллический


I. Определите по словарю значение, произношение, принадлежность к части речи следующих слов;

produces, heavy-train, high-speed, flatcar, large-tonnage, cargoes, increasing, steadily, supplied, layout, make up.

П. Переведите словосочетания:

heavy-train making-up, high-speed movement, open-top car, box car, tank car, special-purpose car, large-tonnage con­tainers, all-metal cars; heavy-duty open-top cars.

III. Прочтите и переведите интернациональные слова:

modern, produce, service, fleet, standard, special, cement, mineral, container, priority, comfort, comfortable, centralized, electric, system, maximum, comfort, rational, design, ventilation, illumination, technological, economy.

IV. Из слов, данных ниже, выберите и прочтите: а) существите­льные,

б) прилагательные, в) глаголы, г) наречия. Переведите слова на русский язык:

traction, movement, special, reliability, mineral, container, considerable, specialize, priority, facilitate, steadily, principal, requirement, strength, technological, centralize, electric, highly, safety.

V. Распределите слова в группы с одним корнем. Определите ча­сть речи и переведете:

require, contain, modernize, reliable, serve, safe, container, mechanize, operation, requirement, modernization, reliability, modern, service, comfortable, safety, operate, comfort, move­ment, mechanization, move.

Text cars of soviet russian railways

Modern kinds of traction favour heavy-train making-up, high-speed movement and non-stop long-haul runs, which lays high requirements to the reliability, service life and safety of cars.

The fleet of freight cars includes four- and eight-axle standard open-top cars, box cars, flatcars, tank cars and spe­cial-purpose cars to carry cement, mineral fertilizers, grain, large-tonnage containers, flour, coke, peat and other cargoes.

Priority has been given to increasing the carding capacity, volume and area of freight cars to facilitate the mechanization of material handling operations. Considerable ef­forts are made to develop all-metal cars and increase the share of heavy-duty open-top cars, tank cars, cement carriers and other specialized cars.

The fleet of passenger care has been steadily supplied with comfortable vehicles outfitted with centralized air-con­ditioning, fluorescent lighting, and electric heating systems.

The principal requirements to passenger cars are maximum comfort, rational layout and design, improved ventilation, heating, water supply and illumination, low noise and enhanced strength.

Further technological efforts will be aimed at raising the reliability and economy of car operation. There are plans to increase the share of eight-axle open-top and tank cars, and four-axle care of enhanced carrying capacity and volume.

VI. По грамматическим признакам определите время и залог гла­голов, переведите их:

lays, has been given, includes, are made, has been supplied, are, will be aimed.

VII. Поставьте общий вопрос к предложениям:

1. The fleet of freight cars includes various types of specia­lized cars.

2. Considerable efforts are made to develop all-metal cars.

3. The fleet of passenger cars has been supplied with comfor­table vehicles.

4. Further technological efforts will be aimed at raising the reliability of car operation.

VIII. Найдите в тексте предложение, в котором перечисляются грузы, перевозимые в железнодорожных вагонах;

IX. Прочтите 3-й абзац текста и ответьте на вопрос:

What types of cars are to be developed?

X. Найдите в тексте предложения, где перечислены основные требования к пассажирским вагонам, и перечислите их:

XII. Ответьте на вопрос к 4-ому абзацу:

What will further technological efforts be aimed at?

XIII. Выпишите из текста названия различных видов вагонов.

XIV. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний (терминов):

виды тяги, долговечность, надежность, универсальные полувагоны, крытые вагоны, платформы, цистерны, вагоны специального назначения, крупнотоннажный контейнер, грузоподъемность, погрузочные объем и площадь, погрузо-разгрузочные работы, цельнометаллические вагоны, боль­шегрузные полувагоны, цементовозы, снабжать, оборудовать, кондиционеры воздуха, люминесцентное освещение, электричес­кое отопление, рациональная планировка и оформление, водоснабжение, повышенная прочность, восьмиосный, четырехосный, вместимость.

XV.Согласитесь со следующими утверждениями или опровергните их. Употребите выражения: That's right или That's wrong.

1. Тhe fleet of freight cars consists of many different types of cars.

2. Freight cars are used to carry only cement and large-tonnage containers.

3. Considerable efforts are made to develop all-metal cars.

4. Passenger cars are not outfitted with centralized air-conditioning.

5. There are manу requirements to passenger cars: maximum com­fort, design, rational layout, improved ventilation and so on.

6. Further technological efforts will be aimed at increasing the carrying capacity of cars only.

XV. Переведите предложения, обратите внимание на многозначность выделенных слов:

1. There was no light in the corridor.

2. The room was 1ight and clean.

3. You can carry this box - it is light.

4. Railway transport carries millions of passengers every year.

5. You may carry out your experiment in the laboratory.

XVI. Вставьте пропущенные предлоги:

1. The fleet ... freight cars consists ... many types ... specialized cars.

2. Further efforts will be aimed … raising the reliability …cars.

3. All passenger cars are outfitted ... modern conveniences.

XVI. Найдите в тексте синонимы к следующим словам:

up-to-date, type, haulage, cargo, incorporate, to raise, to promote, convenient, to equip, to increase.

ХУШ. Найдите в тексте антонимы к следующим словам:

old, low, short, minimum.

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