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Запомните необходимый минимум профессиональной лексики

workplace hazard group

biological agent


physical agent

transport accident

work stress related factor

allergic reaction

poisonous substance

anthropogenic factor

harmful effect


ergonomic equipment

strain injury


- группа опасностей на рабочем месте

- биологический (вредный) фактор

- токсин

- физический (вредный) фактор

- несчастный случай на транспорте

- фактор на работе, вызывающий стресс

- аллергическая реакция

- ядовитое вещество

- антропогенный фактор

- вредное воздействие

- излучение, радиация

- эргономичное оборудование

- ушиб, травма, связанная с растяжением

- нетрудоспособность, инвалидность

Задание I

А. Определите:

а) какой частью речи являются слова:

different, identify, describe, following, groups, biological, factor, infectious, include, unicellular, parasite, water, adversely, affect, usually, relatively, poisonous, cell, very, low, anthropogenic, occupational, retain, response, disability

б) переведите приведенные выше слова, учитывая значение их суффиксов/префиксов.

Б. Из приведенных ниже слов образуйте однокоренные слова, относящиеся к другим частям речи. Переведите их (при затруднении обратитесь к словарю):

health (adj), identify (n), describe (n, adj), accident (adj, adv), infectious (n,v), allergic (n), produce (n,adj), electric (n,adj), expose (n), emotional (n, adv), employer (v, n), ergonomic (n,adv)

Задание II

А. Подберите эквиваленты к словам, обозначенным цифрами:

  1. activity

  2. disrupt

  3. annoyance

  4. prevent

  5. repetitive

  6. aggression

a) повторяющийся

b) агрессия

c) раздражение

d) предотвратить

f) деятельность

g) подорвать

Б. Подберите эквиваленты к словосочетаниям, обозначенным цифрами:

  1. infectious disease

  2. adversely affect human health

  3. hearing loss

  4. sleep disturbance

  5. sulfur oxide

  6. nitrogen oxide

  7. carbon dioxide

  1. volatile organic compound

  2. heavy metals vapor

  3. radioactive dust

  4. noise pollution

  5. prolonged exposure to vibration

  6. consumer products

  7. slips and trips

  8. fall from height

  9. dangerous machinery

  10. overtime

  11. emotional, verbal and psycho-

logical abuse

a) окись серы

b) опасные станки и механизмы

c) углекислый газ

d) пары тяжелых металлов

e) шум

f) потеря слуха

g) эмоциональное, словесное,

психологическое давление (унижение)

h) окись азота

i) механические травмы, связанные с

падением (‘скользить и падать’)

j) длительное воздействие вибрации

k) товары народного потребления

l) радиоактивная пыль

m) сверхурочная работа

n) летучее органическое соединение

o) травма, связанная с падением с высоты

p) инфекционное заболевание

q) неблагоприятно влиять на здоровье


В. Заполните пропуски, используя предложенные слова:

hazards, radiation, response, equipment, health

1. Biological agents are known to have a negative effect on human____ as they can provoke serious allergic reactions leading to different consequences.

2. Extended exposure to mechanical oscillations known as vibration makes a person vulnerable to cognitive changes though the ____________to vibration might be different.

3. Radioactive decay of different elements might cause diverse varieties of a further hazardous factor at the working place – ionizing _____________.

4. Workplace comfort, being a prerequisite for safety working conditions, should be accomplished/obtained by the exploitation of good ergonomic ___________.

5. Comfortable temperature, humidity and lighting at workplaces, introduced by the employers, can prevent workplace _______________ .

Задание III

А. Найдите в первом абзаце текста прилагательные и переведите их.

Б. Найдите в тексте предложения, в которых использованы модальные глаголы или их эквиваленты.

Г. Найдите во втором и четвертом абзацах текста причастия, укажите их форму и функцию в предложении.

Д. Определите время, вид и залог сказуемых в предложениях пятого абзаца текста, переведите их.

Задание IV

А. Укажите фрагмент текста, в котором описываются физические факторы, негативно влияющие на человека.

Б. Завершите предложение в соответствии с содержанием текста:

1. Noise, being one of the physical agents, can cause serious problems and have a bad effect on _________.

2. Ionizing radiation is dangerous not only at workplaces as people might be endangered by it from ____________ .

3. The careful design of the equipment helps people to work better and more efficiently and is important to prevent ____________ .

В. Выберите предложение, смысл которого противоречит содержанию текста:

1. Noise pollution is a very loud and continuous noise which is considered unpleasant and harmful to people and animals.

2. There are so many risks that cause accidents at workplace that occupation safety and health public organizations all over the world cannot identify and describe the most typical occupational hazards.

3. Experts in occupational safety and health discipline consider that such work-related factors as overtime, emotional, verbal and psychological abuse lead to continuous feelings of worry.

Задание V

Определите главную идею абзаца текста, начинающегося предложением: Physical agents, include noise (noise pollution), vibration and ionizing radiation.

Unit 3

Подберите русские эквиваленты следующим словам, содержащим интернациональные корни:

terminology, specific, situational, context, negative, synonymously, proportional, category, associated, transaction, global, socio-cultural, demographic, management, technological, standard, vandalism

Прочитайте текст. Пользуясь словарем, определите значение незнакомых слов и выпишите их в тетрадь.


The terminology used in OSH (Occupational Safety and Health) discipline varies between states, but generally speaking:

  • A hazard is something that can cause harm

  • A risk is the probability of the hazard causing harm, a potential problem that can be avoided or mitigated

  • The outcome is the result of when the hazard causes harm

For example, repetitively carrying out manual handling of heavy objects is a hazard (it can cause harm). The risk can either be expressed mathematically, (0.5 = a 50/50 chance) or just as "high/medium/low". The outcome would be a musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs).

Modern occupational safety and health legislation usually demands that a risk assessment be carried out prior to making an intervention. This assessment should:

  • identify the hazards;

  • identify all affected by the hazard and how;

  • evaluate the risk;

  • identify and prioritise the required actions.

In everyday usage, risk is often used synonymously with the probability of a known loss. Risk assessment and risk perception are essential factors for all human decision making. Risk is described both qualitatively and quantitatively. Qualitatively, risk is proportional to both the expected losses which may be caused by an event and to the probability of this event. Quantitatively risk is defined by the formula:

Or in more general terms:

The assessment should be recorded and reviewed periodically and whenever there is a significant change to work practices. The assessment should include practical recommendations to control the risk. There are several categories of risk:

  • Political: Change of government, cross cutting policy decisions.

  • Professional: Associated with the nature of each profession.

  • Economic: Ability to attract and retain staff in the labour market; exchange rates affect costs of international transactions; effect of global economy.

  • Socio-cultural: Demographic change affects demand for services; stakeholder expectations change.

  • Health and Safety: Buildings, vehicles, equipment, fire, noise, vibration, asbestos, chemical and biological hazards, food safety, traffic management, stress, etc.

  • Technological: Obsolescence of current systems; cost of procuring best technology available, opportunity arising from technological development.

  • Contractual: Associated with the failure of contractors to deliver devices or products to the agreed cost and specification.

  • Environmental: Buildings need to comply with changing standards; disposal of rubbish.

  • Physical: Theft, vandalism, arson, building related risks; storm, flood, other weather related risks, damage to vehicles, mobile plant and equipment.

  • Operational: Relating to existing operations – both current delivery and building and maintaining.

Some risk experts combine above-mentioned categories into five bigger groups and describe only individual risk, social risk, technological risk, ecological risk, economic risk.