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3. Предлоги и место

"Please, then," said Alice, "how am I to get in?"

"There might be some sense in your knocking," the Footman went on without attending to her, "if we had the door between us. For instance, if you were inside, you might knock, and I could let you out, you know."

Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

Чаще всего они более или менее совпадают с русскими. Например, в Париже/Лондоне/ Нью-Йорке - in Paris/London/New York, в Италии/Испании/Португалии - in Italy/ Spain/Portugal, на стуле - on the chair, в кресле - in the armchair, в коридоре/комнате - in the hallway/room. Вообще, предлог in почти всегда совпадает с русским "в", когда речь идет о том, что нечто находится внутри чего-то:

She took off a silver locket she said remenber me by this

She put her hand in my pocket I got a keepsake and a kiss.1

In her own mad mind she's in love with you.2

In your room Where souls disappear Only you exist here.3

It's the mood that I am in That left us back where we began.4

_______________ 1. Tunnel of Love by Dire Straits. 2. Strange Brew by Cream. 3. In Your Room by Depeche Mode. 4. One Caress by Depeche Mode.

Правда, на кухне - тоже in (а не оn!) the kitchen:

Let me sleep all night in your soul kitchen Warm my mind near your gentle stove.1

А, например, на улице - on the street:

She lives on Love Street Lingers long on Love Street.2

Некоторые затруднения возникают с предлогом по (улице, дороге и т. д.). Очень хочется сказать on, upon или along; так студент Х обычно и делает. Из всех этих вариантов годится только along, и то у него сильно выпирает значение вдоль:

We were walking along the road. Мы шли вдоль дороги (а не поперек).

Рекомендуется в этих случаях употреблять предлог down:

She's walking down the street Blind to every eye she meets.3

И еще одно, с чем всегда возникает путаница: на картине/фотографии. Предлог on абсолютно неуместен, если речь' идет о том, что изображено на картине. В этом случае нужно ставить предлог in, а не on:

You can see my ex-wife in this picture.

А предлог on употребляется только в том случае, если на картине сверху что-то налеплено (предположим, паутина) или кто-то на нее сел:

There's some muck on the photo.

__________________ 1. Soul Kitchen by The Doors. 2. Love Street by The Doors. 3. Hello I Love You. by The Doors.

4.3. Предлоги (заключение)

It has long been an axiom of mine that the little things are infinitely the most important.

A. Conan Doyle, A Case of Identity

В заключение - небольшой подарок. Целая куча предлогов, которые полностью совпадают с русскими. Дело за малым: запомнить их.

She won't waste time on elementary talk.1

While you are wasting your time on your enemies

Engulfed in a fever of spite Beyond your tunnel vision reality fades Like shadows into the night.2

With the book in my hand And truth on my side.3

Well you can burn my house steal my car drink my liquor from an old fruit jar.4

And I wait for them to interrupt Me drinking from my broken cup And ask me to open up the gate for you.5

_________________ 1. Twentieth Century Fox by The Doors. 2. Lost for Words by Pink Floyd. 3. Condemnation by Depeche Mode. 4. Blue Suede Shoes by Carl Perkins. 5. I Want You by Bob Dylan.

My name is Luka I live on the second floor.1

Well I'm down on my knees again And 1 pray to the only one Who has the strength To bear the pain To forgive all the things that I've done.2

Instant Karma's gonna3 get you Gonna knock you right on the head.4

Hey little girl, standing on the corner Today's your lucky day for sure, all right.5

The lunatic is on the grass The lunatic is on the grass Remembering games, and daisy chains and laughs.6

_________________________________________ 1. Luka by Suzanne Vega. 2. One Caress by Depeche Mode. 3. going to. 4. Instant Karma by John Lennon. 5. Darlington Country by Brace Springsteen. 6. Brain Damage by Pink Floyd.